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Subscriptions are not renewed #2

MultivendorX Pro

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    • #214853

      The problem with subscription renewal is still unsolved. I previously opened a ticket with this topic, but did not receive a response on it.

      As a reminder, the problem is that subscriptions are not renewing automatically due to a bug with your plugin:
      “scheduled action 14240 (subscription payment) failed to finish processing due to the following exception: Call to undefined method MVX_Stripe_Marketplace_Gateway::get_minimum_amount()”

      You can see this error in the subscription:

    • #214873

      Sorry for the inconvenience. Your earlier replies went into the pending reply section and that is why we missed that. But we have now approved that and our dev team is looking into the issue. Kindly provide us a little time.

    • #214875
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #214876 I have erased the access details from your previous reply. However, in future while sharing an access don’t forget to mark your reply as private.

    • #214877

      Yes, sure, will do. Thank you!

    • #214879

      For the issue you are facing with subscriptions our development team is currently investigating that. Please allow us some time to address it.

    • #214894
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #214903
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #214904

      I have shared the access. kindly check now.

    • #214905

      Yes, I have access. Thank you.

    • #214906

      Please review the matter with the shared plugin and inform us of the resolution status of your issue.

    • #214909

      I tested the plugin you sent.
      Now I get another error: “scheduled action 14298 (subscription payment) failed to finish processing due to the following exception: Exception::__construct(): Argument #2 ($code) must be of type int, string given”

    • #214924 Please disable MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro on your side and verify whether the issue persists.

    • #214929

      I disabled the MultivendorX plugins and the subscription renewal went through without any errors. See this screenshot:

    • #214942 We appreciate you alerting us about this. Kindly create a staging site that exactly replicates your live site and reproduces the subscription problem. This will make it possible for our development team to look into the issue in further detail and help you find a solution.

    • #214943

      Our website is under development and has no active user orders. You could study the problem on it. Or is the creation of staging due to other reasons?

    • #214944 It might be wise to set up a staging site since we might need to disable plugins or themes for troubleshooting.

    • #214946

      All right, we’ll do it. I’ll write it up and give you access

    • #214954 We will wait for the access.
      Also while sharing the access don’t forget to mark your reply as private.

    • #215035
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #215053 You did not enable the Stripe connect and Stripe Marketplace module in the modules submenu of MultiVendorX. That is, the extra options in the payment section were not coming.

      Now I have enabled the modules on your end and the additional sections are appearing correctly.

      KIndly check and when you are done replicating the error on the staging please let us know.

    • #215057

      Hello! Okay, I’ll let you know. Thanks for your help.

    • #215061

      We’ll await your response.

    • #215074

      Good afternoon!
      We have encountered a problem with payment through your Stripe.
      Orders hang in the status “Pendibg payment”. There is no information about payment in Stripe itself.
      At the same time payment through the basic Stripe goes through without any problems. All Stripe keys in MVX settings are correct.

      Perhaps the problem is related to the vendor. We had problems with adding an existing user to the vendor role. We added the role, but adding it to the product did not work. Then we had to delete the user and register him again via MVX. After that we were able to add it to the product, but the payments are not going through.

      Also, we tried to create a new vendor, but we can’t verify it because we don’t have the necessary pages for the account. For example, vendor-billing. It is not clear how to create them automatically or manually using shortcodes.

      The problem is on the same staging, access is available from the link I provided earlier. Please see this

    • #215085 To investigate the issue on your side, we included a test vendor and attempted to link their Stripe account to receive commissions. However, it appears that you have implemented a shortcode (, causing difficulty in connecting the Stripe account. The dashboard page itself comes from our shortcode, you don’t need any separate shortcode for each setting.

      Please remove all those shortcodes so we can connect the stripe and proceed with the testing.

    • #215087

      I tried creating vendor-billing only. I have deleted the page for now. Please try now

    • #215089

      Thanks for the tip, I was able to add the vendor and verify it myself. Payments are working, now testing subscriptions.

    • #215090 It’s wonderful to learn that the payments are functioning smoothly on your side. When you replicate the subscription issue, kindly inform us, and We will investigate it..

    • #215094

      The error was repeated on staging:
      “scheduled action 217180 (subscription payment) failed to finish processing due to the following exception: Call to undefined method MVX_Stripe_Marketplace_Gateway::get_minimum_amount()”

      Please see it in order #210790:

    • #215111 We need the ftp access Kindly share the ftp access details of the staging site with us.
      While sharing the access don’t forget to mark your reply as private.

    • #215135

      Okay, we’ll do FTP access. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.

    • #215136 Sure, we will await your response.

    • #215138

      Hello, we are having trouble granting FTP access. Would it be possible to investigate the problem without access? If it is necessary to provide some file or make changes, I can do it for you

    • #215149 In that case kindly share your cPannel access with us so that our team can look into the issue.

    • #215151

      Hello. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide access to cPannel.
      You can access all files through WP File Manager:
      You will also be able to modify the code and files.
      Can you tell us if this kind of access is suitable for you? If not, please specify for what purposes you need ftp access.

    • #215152 Certainly, our team will investigate the matter within the WP file manager files. Please ensure that we have the necessary access to review the code and make modifications as needed in those files.

    • #215154

      That’s great. Yes, you have access to view and modify files

    • #215157 we just added the fixed version of MultiVendorX Pro on your staging site. Then placed an order for a subscription product and the order got placed without any issue and also the subscription status is displayed as active.

      Can you please check and let me know what issue you are getting on your end and how we can recreate the same.

    • #215161

      The problem was related to the automatic subscription renewal.
      I have now changed the next payment for the subscription you created an hour later. And at the time of payment, the error we encountered will occur again

    • #215164 Kindly share the error you are getting on your stripe account with us.

    • #215165

      We have no errors in the stripe account. The last transaction in the logs went through without problems and it was your first subscription payment:

    • #215168

      @a.khPlease verify if the subscription flow with payments through Woocommerce Stripe Payments exhibits the same issue, and specifically, check if the problem persists during the renewal payment process. And let us know the same.

    • #215169

      This has been verified multiple times. And there is currently an active subscription #210751 that was successfully paid today.

    • #215176
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #215183 It seems like there is some issue with Stripe’s API. However, I have informed the dev team regarding this. They are looking in to the issue and we have also got into touch with stripe team regarding this. Kindly give us some.

    • #215186

      Dear Sangita, thank you. We need fix ASAP, because we can not launch our store because of it.
      Hope that it will not take long.

    • #215192 Our development team is actively investigating the issue, and we will notify you promptly once a solution is implemented.
      As we will be closed during the weekends hopefully by Monday we will be able to provide you with the solution. We appreciate your cooperation.

    • #215193

      Thank you, we’ll be waiting.

    • #215197 We will surely keep you posted.

    • #215245 We have placed an order on your end for a subscription product(211137
      ). Can you please check if you are facing the same issue with renewal of the product again on your end. If the issue persists with the renewal payment kindly let us know from where we can check the error on your end.

    • #215247

      I remind you that the problem was in the automatic subscription renewal, the payment did not go through.
      I have now changed the time of the next payment in the subscription you created for order 211137. The payment should go through within an hour and then we’ll see if the error happens again.

    • #215254 Yes, we are able to recreate the issue with the renewal payment. Kindly share with us how we can run a cron for renewal payment of a new active subscription on your end.

    • #215255

      You can see the scheduler here:

      We also looked at the code of your plugin. In MVX_Stripe_Marketplace_Gateway class there are calls to MVX_Stripe_Helper::get_minimum_amount() methods which are not seen by php or wordpress. Maybe MVX_Stripe_Helper methods that are called in MVX_Stripe_Marketplace_Gateway should be moved to the same MVX_Stripe_Marketplace_Gateway ?

    • #215256 Thanks for sharing this with us. Our dev team is looking into this. Kindly give us a little time.
      Thanks for cooperation.

    • #215260

      Dear Sangita,
      I would like to clarify again:
      First payment for the subscription – okay
      Autorenewal of subscription – not okay.
      Here is the failed action:
      Here is woocommerce error log:

    • #215280 Thank you for providing these details. Our development team is currently engaged in resolving the issue and we anticipate sharing the fix with you shortly.

      We appreciate your continued cooperation.

    • #215335

      Good afternoon, Sangita! Any news?

    • #215347 We are extremely sorry for the delay from our end. But our dev team is continuously investigating the issue with the stripe marketplace. As the issue is coming for renewal payments hence it is taking us time for debugging.
      As soon as we have a solution we will keep you posted.
      Thanks for your patience and cooperation.

    • #215436

      Dear Sangita,

      I have my Multivendor subscription renewal in 4 days (Subscription #148643).
      Should I pay for the plugin that is not working or should I look for another solution?
      What is your suggestion?

    • #215462

      Hello, We sincerely apologize for the delay in resolving the issue.
      Our development team is actively working on debugging the problem related to the incorrect processing of renewal payments for WooCommerce Subscriptions.
      While they have made some progress with the fix, it is not fully resolved yet, which is why we haven’t provided you with any updates. We assure you that as soon as we have complete confidence in the resolution, we will promptly share the fix with you, hopefully within this week. We appreciate your understanding and patience.

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