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Supplier email for order status change



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  • Author
    • #221125

      I have a problem sending emails to suppliers. If an order is canceled, the supplier does not receive any email, but he still received an email to inform him of the new order beforehand. How can I ensure that the supplier receives an email to indicate that the order is canceled/failed, etc.?

    • #221129

      Hello There, Thanks for getting in touch with us.

      Currently there is no such option for vendors to receive mail when their order gets canceled/failed. Vendors will receive emails a new order for their products gets placed and also when admin will update the order status from the admin end.

      However, do not worry. We have logged your request in our github and we will add the flow of vendor receiving emails for canceled or failed orders accordingly in our future updates. You can keep track of the progress of the same from here :

      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #234909

      We have already implemented these in our last update. So kindly update the MultiVendorX plugin to the latest version and check on your end.

      Also if you have any further queries please do let us know.

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