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WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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    • #134087

      Dear Sirs,

      I tried to update the WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager, but it gives me this error “Update failed: Download failed. cURL error 18: transfer closed with 382100 bytes remaining to read”. I need a solution as soon as possible, since I can’t work with the plugin correctly.

      Thank you very much in advance

    • #134129, it might be related to the server issue.

      However not to worry, you can manually download the plugin from here: and install this on your end.

      Not to worry, you won’t be loosing any settings or data for this.

    • #134210

      Dear Moumita,

      Thank you for your clarification. I’ve done the update, downloading the file from my “Orders” account, and I’ve installed it, but now I have no way of accessing the marketplace’s backoffice… Unfortunately, I haven’t touched your software for a long time, and now I don’t remember how. could access said space, nor how the seller could do it.

      Please, if you have any informative video, please give me the link, so that I can get back to work on the software as soon as possible.

      Yours Sincerely

      Ricardo Trenado

    • #134242

      You can refer to this video for backend access and vendor setup –
      Once you configure backend you can add vendors from WCMp> Vendors>Add new vendor.
      And from “My Accounts” page you’ll be able to access vendor dashboard.
      For more further information you can refer to this – 1. 1.

    • #134260

      Dear Tithy,

      Thanks for your help. But I need you to let me know how I can modify the font size, since as it appears in the system, once a new seller has been registered… it is barely visible.

      I attached an image so you can see what I mean.

      I remain at your disposal.

      Yours Sincerely,

      Ricardo Trenado

    • #134273, you can simply change the font size by applying custom CSS. This link might help you out further

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