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upgrade to multivendor X

General Marketplace Discussion (User’s interaction forum)

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    • #141614


      congratulations for the new brand

      I wanted to know if the plugin automatically updates to multivendor x when it becomes available.

      and a very important question, i bought the advanced front end manager addon, will this be compatible with the new multivendor x ?

      thank you

    • #141621

      @matteor182, currently we are running the beta version of MultiVendorX. We will also release the MultiVendorX Pro, where you will get all our addon’s features.

      So to test the beta version, it is must to have your staging site and there test the new enhanced version of WCMp. Kindly follow our video :

    • #141804

      I have questions about this topic also.
      I have bought and incorporated into my website The Advanced Frontend Manager, and the PDF Invoice addons.
      Now, if we switch to MultivendorX the free version, will we be able to still use those addons? Or do we have to pay for the pro version?

    • #141831

      @luanne, we are yet to release the MultiVendorX Pro.

      If you want, I can share the beta version with you also.

    • #142233

      If you are talking about the beta version of the pro version, then yes, I would like to try that.

    • #142249
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    • #147317

      Hi my wc marketplace has automatically changed to multivendor X does anyone know how I change it back to wc marketplace? Any help appreciated as its causing me major problems – thanks Jane

    • #147322
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    • #177968


      I am still very much confused with the change. I have just renewed the Front end manager package… is this not compatible with Multivendor X… or I am getting this error:

      “Warning! This version of Frontend Manager is not compatible with older version of WC Marketplace. Please update to WCMp 3.3 or later.”

      However, I do not know where to find the updgrade option to WCMP 3.3? Is this still existing?

      Thank you!

    • #180131

      Hi @christineroesch, WCMp has rebranded as MultiVendorX, where we have modified the backend completely by changing it to the modular structure, auto-saving option, upgraded registration form etc. To know more please check
      From now onwards, MultiVendorX Pro (, contains all the paid addon’s feature init.

      So, in order to upgrade to MultiVendorX pro, you may opt for any three options :

      Option A

      We will share MultivendorX Pro (with zero cost)with the module you need. i.e. if you had only Frontend Manager, then you can only use Frontend Manageraddon’s feature in the MuliVendorX Pro.
      But you can’t update the plugin after this, as this is one-time solution only. But for this you need to have an active order. If your order has expired then you can’t upgrade to MultiVendorX Pro free of cost. You need to place a new order.
      For permanent results, we would request you to purchase MultiVendorX Pro from here and opt for option B or Option C

      Option B

      We will give you a coupon discount based on the month left of your subscription, and you can use MultiVendorX Pro
      i.e. if you have purchased Advance Frontend of 100 USD and purchased this on 1st January. Then you have left 2 month in your subscription. So you will get coupon code of 100*2/12 = 16.6 => 17
      Option C
      You can opt for 50% discount on our Pro Version along with your additional coupon (If Option B is applicable).
      But please note, in order to use Option C, you need to give us some details regarding your site and small testimonial. Only then we can give you 50% coupon code.

      Let us know which option do you want to proceed with so we can assist you accordingly.

    • #180260

      Hi! Thank you for your answer.

      So for the moment what I mainly need until we continue to get more traction is for the vendors to have the Front End Manager to upload their own products.

      I think this would be Option #1 right, my subscription was going to renew at the end of last month but because of the card it is paused and then I was changing the card but saw it was not compatible. Thus, if I change the card tomorrow this option will allow my vendors to upload their own products?

      Caan you please advise so I can proceed with Option #1, knowing that this would be for the 1 year only and next year I would get the full version?

      I have been using WCMP since the beginning days in 2018.

      Thank you!

      Christine Roesch

    • #180268
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    • #180759

      @moumita any update on this?

      Thank you,

      Christine Roesch

    • #180893

      Christine, we have sent you an email. Please check.

    • #190706

      Hi Moumita! I am interested in the offer that was sent in my email previously! However, I don’t see where I can reply cause I only see the link in the response in the screenshot not in the platform itself. Looking foreward for your reply.

      Best Regards,

      Christine Roesch

    • #190777
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    • #194215

      Its been long and we have not heard back from you. Hope all your query is solved now. We are closing this thread as of now. If you need help or face issue in future create a new thread.

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