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Vender registration Error: You need to accept the terms and conditions

MultivendorX Pro

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  • Author
    • #220768
      Karsten Hesemann

      when trying to register a vendor the registration form shows the error: You need to accept the terms and conditions, while the terms and conditions are checked.

      I deactivated all plugins and themes except MVX, MVX Pro, Woocommerce and the default theme.

      With your live chat we could not find a solution.

      Can you please help me with this.

      Best Regards

    • #220771

      Hello Karsten Hesemann, I’m sorry to hear that you’ve encountered an issue.

      Could you please create a staging site that is an exact replica of your live site? Share the staging site URL, along with temporary admin and FTP access, so we can investigate and assist you accordingly.

      Please allow us to deactivate plugins and themes on your staging site to thoroughly examine the issue.

      Additionally, when sharing the access details, kindly mark your reply as private.

      Thank you for your cooperation.

    • #220775
      Karsten Hesemann
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #220780

      Hello @Karsten Hesemann,Thank you for sharing the details and for your confirmation.

      We logged into your shared site, disabled all the plugins except WooCommerce, MultiVendorX, and MultiVendorX Pro, and switched to the default Twenty Twenty-Four theme. We then checked the vendor registration flow at and did not encounter any issues with the terms & conditions field.

      I kindly request you to check the same flow at the provided link. After that, please enable the deactivated plugins one at a time to identify the plugin causing the issue.

      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #220787
      Karsten Hesemann

      Hi Sangita, thank you. I have no idea why the manual deactivation had another impact than deactivation by Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin but you are right.

      While activating plugins one by one i found the troublemaker – It was the German Market Plugin, with its setting for checkboxes for the user registration. After deactivating this, the registration works like a charm.

      Thanx 😉

    • #220792

      Hello there, Great to hear that you have identified the conflicting plugin and also thanks for keeping us updated regarding your findings.

      Since you are experiencing a conflict with a third-party plugin, we recommend reaching out to the support team of the conflicting plugin. Additionally, if they need any assistance in making their plugin compatible with MultiVendorX, please have them contact us. We will be happy to help.

      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #222371

      It’s been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your issue is resolved now. We are closing this thread as of now. If you need help or face issue in future please do create a new support ticket.

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