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Vendor Storefront Out Of Stock Label Amendment

MultivendorX Pro

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  • Author
    • #222336
      Launch Digital

      Could you please assist me with modifying the design of the “out of stock” label on the vendor storefront page? I would like to change its color and reposition it to the top left of the product thumbnail image.

      Could you also guide me to the specific file in the backend where I can add custom code to implement these changes?

    • #222338

      @Launch Digital, thanks for reaching out!

      The vendor shop page is a taxonomy page of the active theme, so the button styles and colors are controlled by the theme’s design. To modify these, you’ll need to add custom CSS to the style.css file of your current theme.

      I recommend contacting your theme support team and explaining the changes you need. They should be able to assist you with the necessary custom CSS adjustments.

      Let us know if you have any further queries.

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