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Vendors can edit images

MultivendorX Pro

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    • #221818

      Upon product upload, I would like to enable my vendors to edit the image. Specifically – to crop the image.
      I see that this is possible with the standard WordPress functionality for Administrators to perform on the ‘Media’ wp-admin webpage (see, however, when the vendors click’s “edit” it redirects them to the /dashboard page (see
      Please assist with enabling my vendors to be able to edit images.
      Thanks, PicFlick

    • #221852

      @Picflick, Thank you for reaching out and sharing the flow with us.

      We have reviewed the process of vendors editing images from their end, and it appears to be working correctly. When vendors click on the edit option for a selected image, they are redirected to the WordPress backend where they have access to the same options as the admin. Please take a look at the video here for further details:

      It appears that you have added some customizations on your end, which is preventing your vendors from being redirected to the WordPress backend to edit images. Please review and remove those customizations to allow your vendors to edit images as intended.

      If you need any further assistance, please let us know.

    • #221855

      Thank you very much for checking and responding with this video 🙂
      Interesting that it works on your side. I have not added custom code, however, I have toggled this option to prevent Vendors from accessing the back-end ( Can you please check your side if this could be the issue?
      Is there any way that the user can access this media editor without being redirected to wp-admin? This is 1) a security risk to have users accessing wp-admin (it should only be for administrators), and 2) a bad user-experience, they should only be viewing the website from the front-end.
      Please advise.

    • #221867

      @Picflick, Thank you for sharing the details with us. We have reviewed the image editing flow with the “Vendor backend access” option enabled. Since vendors are not permitted to access the backend, they are redirected to the dashboard page instead of the WordPress backend page when they click the “edit” button.

      We understand your concern about restricting vendors from accessing the backend. In future updates, we will add the functionality for vendors to edit images directly from the frontend dashboard. This will ensure that vendors can edit their uploaded images without any issues. You can keep track of the progress of this enhancement here:

      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #221891

      Much appreciated!! Looking forward to this update 🙂

    • #221897

      @Picflick, once this flow gets implemented, we will surely keep you posted.

    • #222485

      Following up on this request please.
      I unfortunately dont see it moving on Github – please push for us 🙂

    • #222489

      Hello @Picflick, As you already know that we’ve listed your requested flow in our GitHub for future enhancements. Our team will work on incorporating it in an upcoming update, and we’ll keep you informed once it’s implemented.

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