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  • in reply to: Advertisement fee #195684

    I am sorry buy we have misunderstood each other – by posting an advertisement I meant giving user ability to add new product to be available on sale only after paying some fee.

    in reply to: Customization issues #195663

    1. I don’t mind to huge customize my code, that’s why I have asked about any sort or tips or even a public documentation.
    2. Yes, that is right hence a question if we could make WooCommerce registration work the same way as MultiVendorX vendor registration is working?

    in reply to: Customization issues #195608

    1. The flow I am looking for is that all nav items both from $nav_items list and my-account are rendered in my-account page. As an example, here’s snippet from woocommerce/templates/myaccount/dashboard.php

    	/* translators: 1: Orders URL 2: Address URL 3: Account URL. */
    	$dashboard_desc = __( 'From your account dashboard you can view your <a href="%1$s">recent orders</a>, manage your <a href="%2$s">billing address</a>, and <a href="%3$s">edit your password and account details</a>.', 'woocommerce' );
    	if ( wc_shipping_enabled() ) {
    		/* translators: 1: Orders URL 2: Addresses URL 3: Account URL. */
    		$dashboard_desc = __( 'From your account dashboard you can view your <a href="%1$s">recent orders</a>, manage your <a href="%2$s">shipping and billing addresses</a>, and <a href="%3$s">edit your password and account details</a>.', 'woocommerce' );
    		wp_kses( $dashboard_desc, $allowed_html ),
    		esc_url( wc_get_endpoint_url( 'orders' ) ),
    		esc_url( wc_get_endpoint_url( 'edit-address' ) ),
    		esc_url( wc_get_endpoint_url( 'edit-account' ) )
                    <!-- HERE RENDERING MVX DASHBOARD NAV ITEMS -->

    And the key question is how am I supposed to do it since I dislike to render all of these nav links (let us say for now all apart from the Dashboard one).
    In addition what is the way of providing CSS there? I tried standard <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”my-style.css”> but it doesn’t seem to work.

    2. I think we have misunderstood on that point.
    I would like to use WooCommerce registration option because I have it as popup in header and that’s easier to use for users. But because all of my users are vendors I would like that after registration they will be redirected to shop wizard (as it is happening where registated via MVX registration option). Also in that regard the auto approval doesn’t work, but I am able to approve a vendor manually with MVX page for that.

    in reply to: Script issue after new update. #194242


    we can consider problem as solved. Thank your for your assistance.

    in reply to: Script issue after new update. #194174

    In other words according to my previous post – I have changed the code as you have advised me and it did not solve my issue. New code:

    function super_category_toggler() {
    	$taxonomies = apply_filters('super_category_toggler',array());
    		$taxonomies[$x] = '#'.$taxonomies[$x].'div .selectit input';
    	$selector = implode(',',$taxonomies);
    	if($selector == '') $selector = '.selectit input';
    	echo '
    			var $chk = jQuery(this);
    			var ischecked = $":checked");
    var b = this.checked;
    ischecked = ischecked || b;
    			checkParentNodes(ischecked, $chk);
    		function checkParentNodes(b, $obj)
    			$prt = findParentObj($obj);
    			if ($prt.length != 0)
    			 $prt[0].checked = b;
    			 checkParentNodes(b, $prt);
    		function findParentObj($obj)
    			return $obj.parent().parent().parent().prev().children("input");
    add_action('admin_footer-post.php', 'super_category_toggler');
    add_action('admin_footer-post-new.php', 'super_category_toggler');
    do_action( 'mvx_add_product_form_end');

    I’ve also tried following code, without success aswell:

    do_action( 'mvx_add_product_form_end', 'super_category_toggler');
    do_action( 'mvx_add_product_form_end.php', 'super_category_toggler');
    add_action( 'mvx_add_product_form_end', 'super_category_toggler');
    add_action( 'mvx_add_product_form_end.php', 'super_category_toggler');
    in reply to: Script issue after new update. #194086


    Yes, as I said after new MVX Pro update it stopped working on vendor end. After trying to add your do_action the effect is still the same, so it doesn’t work.

    in reply to: Script issue after new update. #194025


    naturally, let me discuss it on following screenshot:
    in the previous version of MVX Pro once a vendor marked “Empire” category as checked, both “Warhammer Age of Sigmar” and “Grand Allience Order” were marked checked automatically. It worked well on both product WordPress backend (so it’s aswell as in Vendor Dashboard as example

    After the new MVX Pro update it stopped working in Vendor Dashboard. I only assume that it is because I should add another action

    add_action('admin_footer-post-new.php', 'super_category_toggler');

    however I’m not sure what is the name of php file in which the Dashboard is located and failed to find it in files. I wonder if it might be mvx_vendor_head or even whole wp.

    Thanks in advance for any tips!

    in reply to: Changing CSS design of Vendor Dashboard #192154

    The most important change was to perform that change:
    font-family: “Comic Sans MS”, “Comic Sans”, cursive!important;
    //just for test purpose just to change the font of whole page, but it did not seem to work.

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