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Select Categories Bug (on add product) after Update to Version 4.1.13



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    • #221111


      I have a new bug on the add product screen following the recent update. The category selector no longer looks tidy with sub-categories sitting below main categories.

      They are all showing to the side/mixed up.

      Is there a fix for this bug?

      Thank you,

    • #221114

      UPDATE: Removing ‘flex’ from the CSS on that page, seemed to correct this issue?

      .panel-body.panel-content-padding.form-group-wrapper label {
      margin: 0;
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      gap: .5rem;


      .panel-body.panel-content-padding.form-group-wrapper label {
      margin: 0;
      display: ;
      align-items: center;
      gap: .5rem;

    • #221117

      Hello there, Thanks for sharing this with us.
      We will add a fix for this broken CSS issue in our next update and keep you updated accordingly.
      You can also keep track of the progress of the issue from here

      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #221490


      Following an update to version 4.1.14, we have noticed that any attributes added by vendors are being wiped when an item is submitted, or edited.

      Attributes only appear when added from woocommerce directly.

      Can you test this and provide a fix for this please? As this is doubling our workload at present.

      Thank you

    • #221492

      Hello there, We have added a fix for the issue with the attributes not getting saved in our github. Kindly download the fixed plugin from here : And then follow these steps :
      – Delete the installed MultiVendorX via wp-admin >> plugin
      – Unzip the GitHub plugin
      – Rename the folder as “dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor” and Now, zip this folder again.
      – Install this plugin on your site.

      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

      • #221494
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    • #221493
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    • #221498

      Hello there, There should not be any issue with the earlier shared fixed plugin. But just to be sure you can add the fixed plugin on your staging site first and check the flow there. If everything works accordingly on your staging site then add the same plugin on your live site.

      Also for the Allowed memory size issue kindly create a staging site where the issue is replicated and share the staging site url, temporary admin and FTP access of your staging site with us so that we can look into the issue and assist you accordingly to resolve it.

      Also while sharing the access don’t forget to mark your reply as private.

    • #221509
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #221511

      Hello there, Glad to hear that you have resolved the memory size issue on your end.

      Regarding the shared fix, there should not be any issue with the fixed plugin. Some of our users have confirmed about the fix working fine on their end. However, just to be sure you can add the fixed plugin on your staging site first and if everything works accordingly on the staging site then add the same on the live site.

    • #221537

      Hello @zedmanshere, We have released an update with the fix for the attributes not getting saved issue. Kindly update the MultiVendorX plugin to the latest version on your end and check the same.

    • #221542
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #221543

      Hello there, Sure update the plugin to the latest version and check the flow on your end.

      Regarding the memory size issue as we are not able to recreate it on our end we would request you to create a staging site where the issue is replicated and share the staging site url, temporary admin and FTP access of the staging site with us so that we can look into it and assist you accordingly to resolve the issue.
      Also while sharing the access don’t forget to mark your reply as private.

    • #221736
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    • #221743

      @zedmanshere, I’m glad to hear that the attribute issue has been resolved on your end.

      Could you please provide us with steps to recreate the error shared by you? This will help us assist you further in resolving it.

    • #221776
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    • #221795
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    • #221797

      For the memory size issue, our dev team needs to debug the issue on your site so we kindly request you to create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the staging site url, temporary admin and FTP access with us. So that we can look into it and assist you accordingly to resolve the issue.

      Regarding the other error it is quite difficult for us to provide you with a fix without being able to recreate the same. So it would be really nice if you can share details about the recreation of the error.

      Also while sharing the access of your staging site don’t forget to mark your reply as private.

    • #235237
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    • #235243

      Hi @zedmanshere, We’ve reviewed the latest version of the Elementor plugin on our end and haven’t encountered the issue you described on the dashboard.

      Could you please provide a video demonstrating how to replicate the problem? This will help us better understand the issue and assist you in resolving it. Thank you!

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