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Elementor support for Sold by option in single product page

To add the sold by vendor name in a custom section on a single product page you need to add the below code in the functions.php file of your current active theme

add_shortcode('mvx_sold_by', 'mvx_sold_by_shortcode');
function mvx_sold_by_shortcode() {
    global $post;
    if (!$post) return;
    if (get_mvx_vendor_settings('display_product_seller', 'settings_general') && apply_filters('mvx_sold_by_text_after_products_shop_page', true, $post->ID)) {
        $vendor = get_mvx_product_vendors($post->ID);
        if ($vendor) {
            $sold_by_text = apply_filters('mvx_sold_by_text', __('Sold By', 'multivendorx'), $post->ID);
            echo '<a class="by-vendor-name-link" style="display: block;" href="' . $vendor->permalink . '">' . $sold_by_text . ' ' . $vendor->page_title . '</a>';
            do_action('after_sold_by_text_shop_page', $vendor);

And then add this short code in the elementor page –


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