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Import Export

Brief Introduction  #

It’s always good to have a backup and by importing or exporting product data on your computer you can have backup assurance. MultiVendorX Pro gives your vendors the option to import or export product data on their computers directly from the store dashboard. So, without further delay let’s jump into understanding the Import-Export feature. 

Configuring Product Import – Export  #

The configuration of the import-export feature of MultiVendorX Pro is extremely uncomplicated and easy to get started with. But before getting started let’s enable the import-export module.

Enable Import-Export Module #

When huge chunks of data are involved import-export becomes an indispensable module. Enable this module to lets vendors import or export valuable data. Enabling the module requires the following steps.

  • For starters go to the Admin Dashboard and then navigate to MultiVendorX. From the MultiVendorX menu list which appears as soon as you select the plugin, select the Modules option.
  •  As the Module page loads, drag your browser to the Product Management section. Under the product management section, enable the Import-Export module.
  • That it! With the module enabled vendors can now import or export huge data.
Reference 1: Enable Import-Export Module

Export Products #

Now that you have enabled the Import-Export modules, vendors can transfer huge product data in the form of CSV files. Let us learn how a vendor can export their products.

To export files from the frontend dashboard, vendors must – 

  • Go to the Vendor Dashboard and select the All Product option available under Product Manager. As vendors get directed to the All Products page, they would notice the Export button present beside the Add Product option.
  • Once Vendors select the Export button the
  • On the All Product Page, Select the Export Button present at the top of the page 
  • When the Export Page loads, you can either export all products or export specific products on the basis of-
    • Id – The identification number of the product you wish to export
    • Type – Product Type refers to the nature of the product like a simple product, variable product, etc
    • SKU – the internal identification number 
    • Is featured – Specific product that are the stars of your store
    • Visibility in Catalog – Product that appear on your catalog list 
    • Description and Short Description – products that share the same description or short description 
    • Date Sale Start or End – of either the product that sold on a specific start date or end date 
    • Tax Status and Tax Class – Products that have either similar Tax Status or tax class
  • They can also be selected on the basis of Product Type. These types include –
    • Simple Product –  A simple product is a unique, stand-alone, physical product that you may have to ship to the customer.
    • Grouped Product – A grouped product is a cluster of simple products clubbed together to form a single entity
    • Variable Product – This product type lets you add variations to the same product to create a complex, variable product
    • Affiliate or External Product – There are cases where you list a product in your store, but you are not the actual seller of the product. Your customers who wish to purchase such products will be redirected to the URL that you specify in the product settings. These are called external or affiliate products. 
    • Product Variation – 
  • And, on the basis of the product category created by the vendor 
  • Finally, Tick the box to Export Custom Meta, if you need this info. Metadata on your products is typically from other plugins. Metadata columns are exported following the meta:-prefix standard detailed above in the importer mapping section. By default, no additional metadata is exported
  • After the vendors are done, they can select the Download CSV file option 

Import Products #

To import Product Data the vendor can 

  • Go to the Vendor Dashboard and Navigate to the Product Manager menu option. From the list of product manager menu, they can select the All Product sub-menu option 
  • On the All Product Page, Select the import  Button present at the top of the page 
  • When the import  Page loads, Choose the CSV file you wish to import
  • Next, enable the update of existing products, this way products with similar Id or SKU would be updated. 
  • After this, move on to the Column mapping section, using the drop-down list vendors can select under which column they want to import the product.
  •  Once the vendor selects the Run the Importer button the imported will automatically sort the CSV file and add it to the list 

Note: You need to create the csv as per WooCommerce format. This document will help you out on how to create the csv. Remember the file size of the uploaded CSV (.csv) should not exceed 64Mb.

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