acf fields not showing when synced (json & php)

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager


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    • #137808

      I can get the fields to display sometimes if it isn’t synced through php. regardless the fields wont show on the frontend. Very frustrating. Been working on this for days more than days , and still can’t get it to work. Please don’t ask me if I have made sure that post types is set to products. I’m a developer myself, and I’ve gotten this to work before. I’ve tried everything. Read everything on this site and around the web . Please help, a lot of money on the line.

    • #137809

      let me also say, I don’t like the simple meta boxes you guys have as the default for acf. The fields will show up in your meta boxes but the functionality is way too limited for what I’m trying to do.. wouldn’t have spent over 300$ on a yearly plan if I knew this was such an issue I’m sure could be fixed with the resources of your company.. Honestly I’m dissapointed.

    • #137817


    • #137822

      Hi @theonlybeatcamp, sorry to hear that you are facing this issue.

      Our replies are inline :
      – I can get the fields to display sometimes if it isn’t synced through php. regardless the fields wont show on the frontend.

      >> Like ACF we let vendors add fields. But the display of that fields in the frontend gets carried out by ACF.

      So, can you please explain how are you syncing the fields via PHP.

      – The fields will show up in your meta boxes but the functionality is way too limited for what I’m trying to do..

      >> Can you please explain which fields you are referring to here, some screenshots will be very much appreciated.

    • #144929

      Hi @theonlybeatcamp, we haven’t heard back from you for a while.
      So we presume this issue has been fixed. We are closing this for now.

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