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Advanced Frontend Manager translations issue



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  • Author
    • #147698
      Brigitte G.


      99% of translations work in Frontend Manager, except 3 strings (see my screenshot please):

      1) last 7 days
      2) no amount
      3) no prior data

      Please note that I don’t think this is a bug with the translation files, because these strings work on pages other than the Dashboard. Can you fix this please for next version?

      My settings : WordPress v6.1.1 & MultiVendorX v4.0.4

      Thank you very much 🙏

    • #147785

      @pSyalvia, as you can see the translation is working fine on our end

      Please make sure that you have translated the plugin properly.

    • #187328

      It’s been a while and we have not heard back from you . We presume your issue is solved , so we are closing this thread . If you face any issue in future please open a new thread .

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