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Assign default commission value

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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  • Author
    • #137693
      Tim Kerremans

      Hi there,

      I’m trying to set the default commission value in an input field. it currently looks like this:
      value=”<?php echo isset($vendors_commission) ? $vendors_commission : ”; ?>”

      I already tried the following to assign ’20’ as the default comission value but no luck.
      value=”<?php echo isset($vendors_commission) ? $vendors_commission : ’20’; ?>”

      Not sure if it helps but here is how the variable is defined:
      $vendors_commission = get_post_meta( $variation->ID, ‘vendors_commission_persentage’ ,true );

      Thanks in advance for helping me out with this

    • #137700

      Hi Tim, we will definitely assit you.

      But can you please let us know by sharing some scrrenshot of where did you add these fields? Also what flow do you want to achieve.

      Waiting for your reply.

    • #137704
      Tim Kerremans


      Thanks for getting back to me. I have a custom flow which allows the commission to be calculated based on the cost of the product for the vendor.

      For example:
      Cost of item = 50$
      Commission = 20% or 10$
      Will result in selling price of customer = 60$ (50 + (20%*50))

      I have attached multiple screenshots and highlighted the field in which I would like to display ’20’ as default value but leave editable for vendors.

      Kindly let me know if you need any additional help

    • #137707
      Tim Kerremans

      Here is the third screenshot

    • #137709
      Tim Kerremans

      Some additional information about the custom flow:

      Once the vendor clicks on a product category when adding a product it will automatically create all attributes and variations. For each variation the vendor is able to set the commission which is calculated in a different way than default like I explained above. This is done by a custom created plugin which overrides default Woocommerce flow. The screenshot I attached in my previous messages are from that plugin

    • #137742

      @Tim Kerremans, as I can see you have hired our custom team for this project.

      It will be better if you can contact them, as they know the coding and assist you accordingly.

    • #138127
      Tim Kerremans

      This issue has been resolved in the meantime so ticket can be closed 🙂

    • #138161

      @Tim Kerremans, thanks for the update.

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