Auto-save not working


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    • #215366

      I’m having an issue that affects various parts of the MVX plugin. I can’t (de-)activate modules, nor can I change settings. For whatever reason, anything I toggle or enter into input fields is simply not saved. When interacting with any settings, a small notification does pop up in the top-right corner stating “Settings saved”. However, on a page refresh (even after waiting a minute), nothing is actually saved.

      I’m testing the free version of the plugin now and I’m considering buying the pro version, but I’d like this issue resolved first.

      What I’ve tested so far: (1) deactivating the MVX plugin and reactivating it, (2) deactivating all plugins except for WooCommerce and MultiVendorX (3) option number 2 and additionally switching to the Twenty Twenty Four default WordPress theme.

    • #215375

      @wanna Sorry to hear that you have faced an issue on your end. There might be some conflict issue, however as you have already run the deactivation process, then we need to check this issue further.
      Kindly create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the staging site url, temporary admin and ftp access with us so that we can check the issue on your end and help you accordingly to solve the issue.
      While sharing the access don’t forget to mark your reply as private.

    • #215479
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #215491

      @wanna Can you please confirm if we can deactivate the plugins/themes on your end to debug the issue further.

    • #215522

      Yea, of course. Deactivate/reactivate whichever plugins/themes you need.

    • #215530

      @wanna, this seems like site specific issue.

      Can you please share temporary FTP access also. While sharing the access don’t forget to mark the response as private.

    • #217553

      It’s been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please do create a new support topic thread.

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