Autoptimize / WCMp

WCMp Core

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    • #137749


      1. I use a plugin Autoptimize, and here are the scripts that I excluded from optimization. List:

      jquery.min.js, vendor_dashboard.min.js, vendor_dashboard, tabs.min.js, tabs.js,\jquery.min, helpers.min.js, clickOnScrollButton, searchFullScreen, menuOffsets, menuDropdowns, cartWidget, mobileNavigation, loginSidebar, menuSetUp, cart-fragments, slick, productImages, cookie.min, owl.carousel, owlCarousel, imagesLoaded, productImagesGallery.js, swatchesVariations.js, initZoom.js

      But, for some reason, the disclosure of deliveries does not work for me, please watch the video.

      My question is: how can I exclude the scripts of your plugin and which ones exactly so that everything works fine?

    • #137770

      @l.gan, sorry to hear that you have faced this issue.

      As far as I know, Autoptimize might have some settings to exclude pages. Can you please check that? If they do have such settings all you have to do is exclude the Dashboard page.

      Please do keep us posted.

    • #137777

      Thanks for the answer,

      Yes, you are right, there are fields there to exclude scripts. Java and CSS. Please tell me which scripts I should exclude Java and CSS so that there are no problems?

    • #137825

      You can check these lines We have added
      vendor dashboard scripts here.

    • #137844

      hi, thanks for your help and time.

      I listed the scripts, but it didn’t help. HERE is a list of all scripts to exclude, but the zones are still not being expanded.

      And also, there are errors on the page, please look at the photo.

      jquery.min.js, vendor_dashboard.min.js, vendor_dashboard, tabs.min.js, tabs.js,\jquery.min, helpers.min.js, clickOnScrollButton, searchFullScreen, menuOffsets, menuDropdowns, cartWidget, mobileNavigation, loginSidebar, menuSetUp, cart-fragments, slick, productImages, cookie.min, owl.carousel, owlCarousel, imagesLoaded, productImagesGallery.js, swatchesVariations.js, initZoom.js, wcmp_frontend_vdashboard_js, wcmp_new_vandor_dashboard_js, vendor_order_by_product_js, wcmp_seller_review_rating_js, wcmp_customer_qna_js, wcmp_custom_scroller_js, wcmp_country_state_js, jquery-ui-sortable, wc-country-select, frontend_js, wcmp_single_product_multiple_vendors, wcmp_customer_qna_js, wcmp_seller_review_rating_js, frontend_js, wcmp_checkout_location_js, wcmp-vendor-shipping, wcmp_frontend_vdashboard_js, wcmp_seller_review_rating_js, jquery-ui-core, jquery-ui-tabs, jquery-ui-datepicker, jquery-blockui, wc-country-select, jquery-ui-sortable

    • #137850

      We don’t know how your optimized plugin works. But WordPress has a default function to deque script You can use this function.

    • #144933

      Hi , we haven’t heard back from you for a while.
      So we presume this issue has been fixed. We are closing this for now.

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