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Bug Stripe Connect

MultivendorX Pro

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    • #191592


      What bug has been fixed in 1.0.6 about Stripe?

      Also in relation to Stripe, I use connect and most payments are credited to the sellers, but sometimes randomly the payout to the seller does not happen automatically. Have you ever had a similar problem?


    • #191608

      Please follow this :
      –Access your ftp, goto plugins >> mvxpro >> modules >> stripe pro >> log.
      — Clear this log file.
      –Then manually mark the unpaid commission as paid
      –Check the log file again.
      –Share that error message with us.

    • #191818

      I can’t find the commisison in question, I only see the last 31, while there are 152 unpaid and thousands in the database:

      The debug mode is activated for Stripe on my site, but the log file is empty.

      What bug has been fixed in 1.0.6 about Stripe?

    • #191845

      Kindly share the ftp access with us so that we can check

    • #192816

      I’m starting this thread again because I think I’ve identified the problem: it’s only payments made via Giropay and Bancontact.

      The payments are credited to the marketplace’s stripe, but the automatic transaction to the seller is not carried out.
      With bank cards, however, everything works fine.

      Can you test this yourself with Giropay and/or Bancontact?

      Thank you very much!

    • #192899

      @MaxenceTP, our team is looking into this.

      In the meantime, please create a staging site and share the temporary admin, FTP access so we can check.
      While sharing the access, don’t forget to mark the response as private.

    • #193330
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #193519

      Up please πŸ™‚

    • #193544

      Team is checking . Kindly provide us some time .Wack to you will get back to you soon

    • #193560

      Hi, we have checked the flow here.
      As you have selected direct payment mode and Giropay and Bancontact at the checkout, hence without stripe option, stripe can’t pay vendor directly from checkout.

      Therefore, it will send the money to admin’s account and from there vendor will be paid.

    • #193592

      I’m not sure I understand, direct mode is what I want and it works well for bankcards. But not for Giropay & Bancontact.

      The money is sent to the admin, but Stripe Connect normally makes an automatic transfer to the seller’s account.
      At least that’s how it is for bank cards and that’s what I want. But that’s not the case for Giropay & Bancontact.

    • #193812

      @MaxenceTP Sorry for the delayed response.
      Currently our team is working on some huge enhancements that is why the response got delayed.
      However, the Stripe team has done a huge modification in their API so our team needs to start working on the support for that modification from next week .
      Kindly provide us with some time.

    • #193818

      Ok, please keep me informed

    • #193819

      We will surely keep you posted.

    • #194230


      Any update about this please ? πŸ™‚

    • #194280

      Maxence, basically we don’t have support for direct payment for these cards.
      However we are in touch with the stripe team, so they can assist us with the API.
      But please note, it might take us some time to add the direct payment module, if that is possible.

    • #194768


      Any update about this ?

    • #194772

      @MaxenceTP We are extremely sorry for the delay. Our team has been quite busy with a new product. We are almost at the testing phase.
      Once we are done with that we will start working on the integration of direct payment for the giropay, bancontact cards.
      Hope you understand

    • #196441

      It’s been 5 months since I reported this problem and I still haven’t heard anything πŸ™

    • #196502

      @MaxenceTP We are extremely sorry for the delayed response.
      Without the API support of stripe we can not implement a stripe flow on our end. So we have researched a lot but we are not able to get such an API to implement direct payment for Alipay or Giropay.
      So I have contacted the Stripe team and they are also unable to provide me with such API that can be used to implement direct payment for Alipay or Giropay.
      You can check the communication transcript between both our teams,
      Now if you can also contact them and get any API for this implementation please share that with us. Once we get proper API for this our team will surely implement the flow of direct payment for Alipay or Giropay.

    • #196652

      He mentions Alipay in the message, is it the same problem with Giropay & Bancontact?

      Can you get back to me when a solution has been implemented?

    • #196653

      You can check their answer for giropay here We can only implement the flow from our end once we get the proper API from them.

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