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Calculate distance from vendor to customer

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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    • #122243

      I want to set up distance radius based shipping where in the distance is calculated from vendor to customer.
      After this I have to pre set three distance windows
      1-3km :Shipping 20rs
      3-7km :Shipping 40rs
      7-12km :Shipping 60rs

      Whatever distance comes that window price will be charged at shipping.

      Let me know if theirs a plugin for this or if you can custom make this and what will be the charges.

    • #122274

      Hi @dantefour, thank you for the query.

      WC Marketplace by default lets vendor adds shipping rate as per region-based, weight-based, quantity-based.

      However, we don’t have the option to add a radius-based shipping rate currently. But if you want then you can custom code to incorporate radius based shipping.
      You can ask your developers to connect with us so we can help them with the hook/filter.

    • #125493

      Hi, we haven’t heard back from you for a while. We presume this issue has been fixed.

      Please open another thread if you need any further help

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