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Correspondence with Vendor

Future Ideas

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    • #134114

      thanks for the great plugin.

      Please consider creating a “Correspondence with Vendor” section. So that you can chat on the site and track the entire message thread with vendors at once.

      And also, please consider creating a separate tab with returns and questions for the Seller (these features already exist). just to make them more visible to vendors.

      Thank you very much for your attention.

    • #134130

      @l.gan, we do have plans to incorporate this in our future update,

      You can keep track of the progress from here:

    • #157241
      Justin Harrison

      I would also like this feature of messaging between vendor and customer to stay on the site so admins can view it. I am currently using the WooConvo plugin to accomplish this, but it’s not great.

    • #172553

      @Justin Harrison, yes we are working on Messaging system for vendor.

      We have also added a Separate refund tab in our last update. So make sure you are using the updated version of MultiVendorX.

    • #191344

      @justin Hi there, I also came across this plugin for messaging needs. Did WooConvo allows vendor to handle their message through their own dashboard? or My Account area?

    • #191440

      @Chris We have good news for you . Now You can join and communicate with other MultiVendorX users and get solutions for your queries from your fellow MultiVendorX community members .

    • #191817

      @sangita That’s great!
      @NerdySupportExpert Moumita Is the messaging system currently in the pipeline? I’m also using WooConvo and planning to upgrade it. If it’s not too long before it’s live then I would not consider to upgrade WooConvo then. I also prefer the messaging system to stay on site so that admin can view it and monitor it to prevent users from carrying any transactions outside etc. Also, the chat history could really help a lot in resolving any disputes.

    • #191853

      @Chris, our team will look into this as per our priority queue, but sharing an eta right now is quite difficult.

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