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Delivery calendar hidden after installing Vacation plugin

WCMp Vendor Vacation

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    • #119789

      I installed the vendor vacation plugin. However I want to fine tune to fit my requirements.

      My business is into preorder and in the product selection page in the front end website, I show a calendar to the customer where he can choose the delivery slot and time. Now by installing the vendor vacation add-on, if the vendor applies for a leave for today, my entire calendar and delivery time is hidden and the customer can`t order for another day also.
      My requirement was to only hide the day for which he has applied for the vacation and show other days as it is shown now in the calendar. I use another plugin for the delivery slot time and date – Product Delivery Date for Woo-commerce – Lite

      Please advise for a solution on this as this is critical in my business.

    • #119794

      Hi, thanks for getting in touch with us.

      It seems like the Product Delivery date is not compatible with our Vacation plugin.

      Can you please contact the product delivery author, and ask them that we use woocommerce add to cart filter to hide add to cart for that specific date.

      As this is a third-party plugin and we don’t know their code, so can you please ask them if they have any way around, that we can use to resolve this.

    • #119812

      Dear Support,

      I can understand you have less control over another 3rd party plugin. What I request is a solution for the problem in hand as am pretty much sure the other party would propose the same reply. What would you suggest as a practical solution/fix to serve to the above requirement.


    • #119914, As the calendar is hidden (which comes from another plugin), hence in order to resolve this issue, the plugin author needs to add the fix.

      Now, our team will be here to help their plugin author with any code needed from our end.

      But, we really do need their help.

    • #121397


      Unfortunately, am not able to use this plugin not even once since it conflicts with the core function of product order and delivery management. I haven’t got any concrete answer from the author of other plugin as well. What I would like to know, is there any other plugin that is equivalent to the Tyche softwares – “product delivery date” plugin you would recommend which is in sync with the vendor vacation plugin at the same time.

    • #121415

      Hi, we would love to help you out however we haven’t tested any such product delivery date plugin with our vacation plugin.
      However as shared earlier, in order to help this, we need help from that plugin author. with their help, it should take 1-2 days to fix this.

      Can you please inform them that we do want to work on this collaboration.

    • #121453
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    • #121470
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    • #121506


      While I have looped you in the mail, please see the comment from the plugin author:

      “We are happy to work with them to fix the issue but first, they have to fix the issue of not showing the delivery date fields on the product page”.

      Look forward to your swift action as today is the last day for the trial ending date.


    • #121534

      Hi, our team will get back to the team over mail.

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