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detail with membership Seller

WCMp Vendor Membership


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  • Author
    • #140923
      Jafet Romero

      In our solution we have 3 monthly membership plans for vendors through wcmp, the problem arises when a vendor terminates his membership (he himself becomes only a client), in this sense he loses the possibility of accessing the dashboard (frontend manager ) returning to the wordpress account dashboard.
      This causes you to lose information related to sales already made when the membership was active.

      Due to legality issues, the seller must be able to access his sales record and his invoices issued when he had the membership active, as well as other management elements, except for being able to publish products, have active products, or be able to sell on the platform. How can we do this?

      On the other hand, it would be necessary to be able to export all invoices issued during this period.

      Like your products, they must disappear from the search or, failing that, be shown as out of stock.

    • #140945

      Thanks for your views. we have shared this information with our product team.

    • #143526
      Jafet Romero

      We are still waiting for your response regarding our ticket, this is an important issue to resolve for us and I appreciate the diligence so that technical support tells us how to resolve it

    • #144134

      Jafet, we plan to work on this within two months. But it will take some time, as we are finalizing stable version of MultiVendorX Pro.

    • #148519

      Please use the latest version of MultiVendorX Pro and let us know if the issue still exist or not

    • #187346

      It’s been a while and we have not heard back from you. We presume that your issue is solved. So we are closing this issue. If you face any issue in future please open a new thread.

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