Display Store Descriptions for products in the cart on Cart & Checkout pages

MultivendorX Pro

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    • #192242

      Hi there. We’re trying to display each of the store descriptions for products in the cart at the top of both the Cart & Checkout pages. We have the following code:

      * Display MultivendorX store descriptions on top of checkout and cart pages
      function display_multivendorx_store_descriptions() {
      // Get the current cart
      $cart = WC()->cart;

      // Get all unique vendor IDs from the products in the cart
      $vendor_ids = array();
      foreach ($cart->get_cart() as $cart_item) {
      $product_id = $cart_item[‘product_id’];
      $vendor_id = wcmp_get_vendor_id_by_product($product_id);
      if ($vendor_id && !in_array($vendor_id, $vendor_ids)) {
      $vendor_ids[] = $vendor_id;

      // Display MultivendorX store descriptions if available
      if (!empty($vendor_ids)) {
      echo ‘<div class=”vendor-descriptions”>’;

      foreach ($vendor_ids as $vendor_id) {
      $store_description = get_user_meta($vendor_id, ‘vendor_page_description’, true);

      if (!empty($store_description)) {
      echo ‘<div class=”vendor-description”>’ . wpautop($store_description) . ‘</div>’;

      echo ‘</div>’;
      add_action(‘woocommerce_before_checkout_form’, ‘display_multivendorx_store_descriptions’, 5);
      add_action(‘woocommerce_before_cart’, ‘display_multivendorx_store_descriptions’, 5);

      Which causes a fatal error.

      It appears that the wcmp_get_vendor_id_by_product() function is not available.

      Since this function is not available, which function can we use to access the Vendor ID by product?

    • #192269

      Hi @design Kindly replace $vendor_id = wcmp_get_vendor_id_by_product($product_id); with $vendor_id = get_mvx_product_vendors( $product_id )->id; and check .

    • #192279

      Thank you, that solved the error, but still does not fetch the results.

      I managed to put some new code together which comes close to giving me a proper result:

      add_action(‘woocommerce_before_checkout_form’, ‘display_vendor_store_descriptions_on_checkout’);

      function display_vendor_store_descriptions_on_checkout() {
      // Get the current cart instance
      $cart = WC()->cart;

      // Array to store the vendor IDs
      $vendor_ids = array();

      // Loop through each cart item
      foreach ($cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item) {
      // Get the product ID
      $product_id = $cart_item[‘product_id’];

      // Get the vendor ID for the product
      $vendor_id = get_mvx_product_vendors($product_id)->id;

      // Add the vendor ID to the array if it doesn’t already exist
      if (!in_array($vendor_id, $vendor_ids)) {
      $vendor_ids[] = $vendor_id;

      // Loop through the vendor IDs and display the store descriptions
      if (!empty($vendor_ids)) {
      echo ‘<h2>Notices:</h2>’;
      foreach ($vendor_ids as $vendor_id) {
      $store_description = get_vendor_store_description_for_id($vendor_id);
      if (!empty($store_description)) {
      echo ‘<div class=”description_data”>’ . $store_description . ‘</div>’;

      function get_vendor_store_description_for_id($vendor_id) {
      // Implement your logic to retrieve the store description for a given vendor ID
      // Replace this example implementation with your actual code

      // Assuming you have a way to fetch vendor data based on the vendor ID
      // Modify this line to access the correct vendor data source (e.g., database, API)
      $vendor_data = array(
      7 => array(‘store_description’ => ”),
      6 => array(‘store_description’ => ”)

      if (isset($vendor_data[$vendor_id]) && isset($vendor_data[$vendor_id][‘store_description’])) {
      return $vendor_data[$vendor_id][‘store_description’];
      return ”;

      Unfortunately I need to find the specific method or location where the store descriptions are stored in MultivendorX to be able to make it work…

    • #192348

      Kindly add the below code in the functions.php file of your active theme –

      add_action('woocommerce_before_checkout_form', 'display_vendor_store_descriptions_on_checkout');
      function display_vendor_store_descriptions_on_checkout() {
          // Get the current cart instance
          $cart = WC()->cart;
          // Array to store the vendor IDs
          $vendor_ids = array();
          // Loop through each cart item
          foreach ($cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item) {
              // Get the product ID
              $product_id = $cart_item['product_id'];
              // Get the vendor ID for the product
              $vendor_id = get_mvx_product_vendors($product_id)->id;
              // Add the vendor ID to the array if it doesn't already exist
              if (!in_array($vendor_id, $vendor_ids)) {
                  $vendor_ids[] = $vendor_id;
          // Loop through the vendor IDs and display the store descriptions
          if (!empty($vendor_ids)) {
              echo "Notices:";
              foreach ($vendor_ids as $vendor_id) {
                  $store_description = get_user_meta( $vendor_id, '_vendor_description', true );
                  if (!empty($store_description)) {
                      echo $store_description;
    • #192366

      Thank you so much that works perfectly.

      I have one final question.

      I need to try and display possible shipping zones on the product pages and MVX seems to handle those differently. I put together this code to create a shortcode:

      // Register the shortcode
      add_shortcode(‘multivendor_shipping_zones’, ‘display_multivendor_shipping_zones’);

      // Shortcode callback function
      function display_multivendor_shipping_zones() {
      // Get the current product ID
      $product_id = get_the_ID();

      // Get the vendor ID for the product
      $vendor_id = get_mvx_product_vendors($product_id)->id;

      // Get the shipping zones for the vendor
      $shipping_zones = get_vendor_shipping_zones($vendor_id);

      // Display the shipping zones
      if (!empty($shipping_zones)) {
      $output = ‘<h3>Available Shipping Zones:</h3>’;
      foreach ($shipping_zones as $zone) {
      $output .= ‘<div class=”shipping-zone”>’;
      $output .= ‘‘ . $zone[‘zone_name’] . ‘<br>’;
      $output .= ‘Shipping Methods: ‘ . implode(‘, ‘, $zone[‘shipping_methods’]) . ‘<br>’;
      $output .= ‘</div>’;
      return $output;

      return ”; // Return empty string if no shipping zones found

      This gives me a fatal error though, it seems I need to set up an appropriate function that retrieves the vendor ID for the MultivendorX plugin. Could you assist?

    • #192392

      Kindly replace this $shipping_zones = get_vendor_shipping_zones($vendor_id); with $shipping_zones = mvx_get_shipping_zone(”, $vendor_id); and check .

    • #192393

      Thanks for that. Seems we are one step closer.

      I can now display all shipping zones using this code, but I’m having trouble only showing the ones available to a product when the shortcode is placed on it’s page. Here’s my code:

      // Register the shortcode
      add_shortcode(‘multivendor_shipping_zones’, ‘display_multivendor_shipping_zones’);

      // Shortcode callback function
      function display_multivendor_shipping_zones() {
      // Get the current product ID
      $product_id = get_the_ID();

      // Get the vendor ID for the product
      $vendor_id = get_mvx_product_vendors($product_id)->id;

      // Get the shipping zones for the vendor
      $shipping_zones = mvx_get_shipping_zone(”, $vendor_id);

      // Display the shipping zones
      if (!empty($shipping_zones)) {
      $output = ‘<h3>Available Shipping Zones:</h3>’;
      foreach ($shipping_zones as $zone) {
      $output .= ‘<div class=”shipping-zone”>’;
      $output .= ‘‘ . $zone[‘zone_name’] . ‘<br>’;
      $output .= ‘Shipping Methods: ‘ . implode(‘, ‘, $zone[‘shipping_methods’]) . ‘<br>’;
      $output .= ‘</div>’;
      return $output;

      return ”; // Return empty string if no shipping zones found

    • #192422

      @design, can you please explain what exact flow are you looking for so we can assist you with the coding flow you need to follow?

    • #192426

      Hi, I need to achieve 2 things.

      1. I need to create a shortcode, that when placed on a product page, will display available shipping zones for that product’s vendor.

      2. I need to create another shortcode, this time one that displays all products available in a specific shipping zone, for instance “Gauteng, South Africa”

    • #192453

      Hi, our replies are inline :

      1. I need to create a shortcode, that when placed on a product page, will display available shipping zones for that product’s vendor.

      >> In order to make this shortcode you need to fetch the data using these functions and build your code:

      $vendor_id = get_mvx_product_vendors($product_id)->id;
      $shipping_zones = mvx_get_shipping_zone('', $vendor_id);

      2. I need to create another shortcode, this time one that displays all products available in a specific shipping zone, for instance “Gauteng, South Africa”

      >> WooCommerce doesn’t have shipping data per product by default. Do you have any woocommerce shortcode that does give you this data?

    • #192472

      Thanks for that.

      I used the following code to try and create the shortcode:

      function display_shipping_zones_shortcode() {
      global $product;

      // Check if the product exists
      if (!$product) {
      return ‘Product not found.’;

      // Get the product vendor ID
      $vendor_id = get_mvx_product_vendors($product->get_id())->id;

      // Get the shipping zones for the vendor
      $shipping_zones = mvx_get_shipping_zone(”, $vendor_id);

      // Prepare the HTML output
      $output = ‘


        foreach ($shipping_zones as $shipping_zone) {
        $output .= ‘

      • ‘ . $shipping_zone[‘zone_name’] . ‘
      • ‘;

        $output .= ‘


      return $output;
      add_shortcode(‘shipping_zones’, ‘display_shipping_zones_shortcode’);

      Sadly it does not seem to work.

    • #192507

      That is probably woocommerce doesn’t save shipping data per product.
      In that case, you need plugin like WooCommerce Per Product shipping, they might save shipping data per products.

    • #194764

      Its been a while and we have not heard back from you. We presume your issue is solved now. We are closing this thread as of now. If you need help or face issue in future please open a new thread.

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