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Enable Elementor on vendor storefront OR Redirect storefront to author page

Theme and Plugin Support

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    • #135287

      It looks like this has been marked as suspicious/spam – I’m guessing because of the URLs? If so, can you remove the URLs and re-review the question?

    • #135283


      We’re using the Pixefy theme, which comes with Elementor and WCMP to create a marketplace setup. We have created some beautiful Elementor templates to use for our vendors, who we add manually (the vendors do not register, log in, use the dashboard, or have any customization access). Unfortunately, I have been through the full documentation and every support threat I can find, and I can’t figure out how to apply our Elementor template to the vendor storefront page.

      Conflicting answers given in this forum say either that there is no way to use an Elementor template on the vendor storefront because it is a category/taxonomy page (despite being able to use Elementor templates on other category, taxonomy, and archive pages), or that the only way is by overriding the php files (which, so far, does not allow me to use Elementor – it just allows me to hand-code my own php into the files).

      If it is truly impossible, we would instead like to be able to bypass the vendor page entirely and redirect them to WordPress author pages, which we can edit with Elementor — fully replacing the vendor storefront page with the WordPress author page for that name, in every link or button or tab that references the vendor storefront page. Would you be able to provide the functions.php code for this?

      Pixefy Theme Demo:
      Pixefy Theme Documentation:

    • #135296

      Hi, thanks for getting in touch with us.
      WCMp vendor storefront doesn’t depend on any theme, as wcmp creates the vendor shop page.
      Kindly follow our elementor document to edit the storefront page as per your need ( )

      Let us know if you need any further help.

    • #135359

      Hi Tithi,

      I have attempted to use the attached documentation already. I created a “Shop Page” template using the Product Archive category (the version of Elementor in the attached documentation appears to be out of date since it uses a different workflow than the current version of Elementor), but it does not replace the default template. Only the default template shows up. What do I need to do to make this template apply to the vendor storefront/vendor shop page?

    • #135362

      Not to worry.
      Kindly create a staging site and share your admin,ftp access so that we can assist you further.

    • #135366
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    • #135513
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    • #135550


      We need to move ahead on this project, so unless anything has changed, I am going to go ahead and remove WCMP and work with a different setup to allow me to customize the pages as needed. Thank you for your time.

    • #135552

      @ivey, the issue is coming with the latest version of elementor.

      If you use the previous version of elementor pro, then you may use the previous version for the meantime. I am sharing the link now.

      Just to keep you posted, our team will work on the elementor fix from next week. So we can release an update by next week.

    • #135553
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    • #135555

      Thanks for the info, Moumita! Good to know!

    • #135619

      We will keep you posted @ivey

    • #149688

      @ivey, we have added the support of latest elementor in our MultiVendorX. Please use the updated version and check.

    • #193384

      We haven’t heard back from you for a while. So, we presume this issue is resolved. So, we are closing this thread, if you need any further help, please open a new thread.

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