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Frontend Manager is not compatible with older version of WC Marketplace

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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    • #147318

      Good Day,

      I have upgraded from WCMp to MultiVendorX and now seeing this message:

      Warning! This version of Frontend Manager is not compatible with older version of WC Marketplace. Please update to WCMp 3.3 or later.

      What do I do?

      Kind regards,

    • #147328

      WCMp has rebranded as MultiVendorX, to know more please check
      From now onwards, MultiVendorX Pro (, contains all the paid addon’s feature init.

      So, in order to migrate to MultiVendorX pro, you may opt for any three options :

      Option A

      We will share MultivendorX with the module you need. i.e. if you had only Frontend Manager, then you can only use Frontend Manageraddon’s feature in the MuliVendorX Pro.
      But you can’t update the plugin after this, as this is one-time solution only.
      For permanent results, we would request you to purchase MultiVendorX Pro from here and opt for option B or Option C

      Option B

      We will give you a coupon discount based on the month left of your subscription, and you can use MultiVendorX Pro
      i.e. if you have purchased Advance Frontend of 100 USD and purchased this on 1st January. Then you have left 2 month in your subscription. So you will get coupon code of 100*2/12 = 16.6 => 17
      Option C
      You can opt for trail version of MultivendorX Pro for a month and based then opt for the Option B
      But please note, in order to use Option C, you need to give us some details regarding your site and small testimonial. Only then we can give you API key for the one month free trial.

      Let us know which option do you want to proceed with so we can assist you accordingly.

    • #149711
      Abubaker Jouda
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #149712

      Hi @Abubaker Jouda, our team has replied to you over the mail.

      Please check your mail box.

      In the meantime, if you need any further help do let us know.

    • #149716
      Abubaker Jouda
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #149732

      We are closing this thread for now.

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