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help me

MultivendorX Pro

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  • Author
    • #194186

      Hide the header in the seller shop page.

      The “Advertise Product” tab does not work to promote sellers’ products.
      when you activate it, you can’t promote the product of the selected seller.

    • #194203

      Hello @kevajo
      We have checked the flow for adding advertisements for a seller on our end and there is no such issue. Kindly check the video
      There might be some theme/plugin conflict on your end. Just to be sure, deactivate all the plugins except WooCommerce, MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro and check the flow. Also check by switching to some default theme such as Twenty twenty three.
      Please do keep us posted.

    • #194316

      Hide the header in the seller’s shop page.

    • #194317

      This is not due to plugins please check for advertisements

    • #194338

      Let me assist you with the flow of Product advertisement.
      Once the admin enables the module and advertisement is added to a vendor product then that product will come on the top of that shop page on which the product was located.
      There should not be any issue with the seller shop’s header.
      Now as you are facing an issue on your end, kindly create a staging site and share the temporary access with us. Also share a video on how to recreate the issue on your end.

    • #194824

      Hello is no okay

    • #194826

      As shared earlier the flow of the Advertise product module is working perfectly fine on our end. Kindly check the flow on your end again by deactivating plugins other than WooCommerce , MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro.
      Also switch to some default theme such as twenty twenty three. If still the issue persists please let us know.

    • #196851

      Its been a while and we have not heard back from you. We presume your issue is solved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please create a new support topic.

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