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How do vendors cancel their membership?

WCMp Vendor Membership

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    • #102395

      I can’t find anything obvious in the vendors dashboard or membership plan page (or indeed the plugin documentation) that explains how a vendor can cancel their membership – can someone explain how this works?

    • #102458
      WCMp Admin

      Hi Chris,

      You can directly login to your PayPal/Stripe and cancel your membership account.


    • #102481

      Thanks @neha it’s not ideal that the vendor cannot do this from their dashboard.

      How does this work from the marketplace owner’s point of view? Once they stopped paying, how do we know if they have done this deliberately or just missed a payment? I understand that Vendors can setup a recurring payment or pay manually each time, so how do we distinguish between vendors who have not cancelled and are just late paying the latest month, and those that have cancelled their payments completely?

      What will their Membership status be if a vendor has cancelled their plan?

      What will their Membership status be if they are late with a payment?

      For both of these, what happens to their store and products – are they hidden from the site?

    • #103747

      @chris sands, thanks for sharing your view.

      We have passed this enhancement request to our development team, they will soon start working on this.

      We will keep you posted.

    • #103756

      Thanks @moumita can you also answer the questions above?

    • #104357

      @chris, currently there is no such option to distinguish between vendors who have not canceled and are just late paying the latest month and those that have canceled their payments completely.

      When we will add the option to let the vendor cancel the subscription, we will also trigger a mail to admin, so he/she can be notified.

    • #104358

      Thanks @Moumita that would be good. We also provide free plans, so it would be good if these can be cancelled too, I can’t see how this is currently possible for vendors to do this themselves because there is no payment to cancel so we have to cancel their plan for them.

    • #104603

      @chris sands, in our next update, we are working on other enhancement.

      For now canceling the membership requires us to do some research, regarding API of PayPal/Stripe. Also, we will deficit;y look into adding a cancel option for Free plan too.
      Once we will start working on this, we will keep you posted.

    • #204050

      We have added option for vendors to cancel their subscription plan by going to vendor dashboard>>Store settings>>Membership. Kindly check with the latest MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro.

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