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How to remove multiple brand name

MultivendorX Pro

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  • Author
    • #189542
      Zia Rahim

      On my woocommerce emails I can see “brand” appearing multiple times.

      I have tried to remove this using the code I found on the internet which is:

      add_filter( ‘woocommerce_display_item_meta’,’wcmp_hide_sold_by_from_emails’,10,3);
      function wcmp_hide_sold_by_from_emails( $html, $item, $args ){
      return $html = ”;

      But this removes all the item meta but I only want it to remove sold by. My assumption is that the product attribute “brand” is showing on the email and the vendor name too so I want to try and remove one of them and in this case its the multivendorx meta items.

    • #189547

      Hi Zia, thanks for the mail.

      As I can understand, this brand field is added by some other plugin.
      Just to be sure, please share the shop page link, so we can check and get back to you.

    • #193357

      Hi, we haven’t heard back from you for a while. So, we presume this issue is resolved. So, we are closing this thread, if you need any further help, please open a new thread.

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