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Is it possible for Admin to log in as Vendor

WCMp Core

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    • #123474

      So that the admin can see what the vendor sees, is it possible for Admin to log in to the vendor’s dashboard?

      If so, how?

      If not, why not? This should be a feature.

    • #123478

      We thought so too! But we found this plugin that lets you login as any user, just find them in the wp-admin user list and click on the ‘Switch User’ text it adds under each one to do this:

    • #123490

      Thanks @MisterS but this is something that WCMp should do without relying on a third party plugin.

      But as a temporary measure I will try your recommended plug in out. 🙂

    • #123493

      Hello @Vic, thanks for connecting to us. The admin part is handled by woocommerce and the vendor part is controlled by WCMP. I am afraid, we do not provide this feature to the admin because the admin can already see and control their vendors activity from their backend dashboard.
      However if the admin wants to see vendor’s dashboard, in that case as shared by MisterS, you may use plugin like :

    • #127067

      We haven’t heard back from you for a while. We hope this issue is fixed, so we are closing this now.
      If you need any further help, please do open another thread.

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