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Mail content position “moved” to the right


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    • #190565


      we have the following situation. We got this platform:
      For some actions made on the site (buying products, shipping them, changing order status, refunding, rejecting product posting) the mail content sent to the beneficiary hasn’t got a correct layout.
      Our tech team tried to figure it out but requested to make a support ticket to you.

      This issue appears for the following emails sent:
      – vendor/supplier receives email for new order published buy client. mail content positioned to the right of the page and not centered
      – new refund request email received on the vendor/supplier account. mail content positioned to the right of the page and not centered
      – mail received by client for “order shipped”. mail content positioned to the right of the page and not centered
      – vendor/supplier receives an email regarding a product that has been rejected for being posted on site. mail content positioned to the right of the page and not centered

      Could you tell me if it’s a situation from MVX?

      I’ve attached some pictues with those emails. If needed, I could provide those emails to you to a specific email adress.


    • #190633

      Hi, it seems like you might have added custom CSS or edited the email template. Please check on your end.

    • #193317

      Hi, it’s been a while and we have not heard back from you . We presume your query is solved now . So we are closing this thread . If you face issue in future please open a new thread .

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