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Map Feature

General Marketplace Discussion (User’s interaction forum)

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    • #189350

      Hi everyone,

      We’re running into some issues with our plugin Securiti – GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent []. We need this plugin to comply with the GDPR regulations, but it seems to be causing problems with our shop mapping feature. When we start typing in the location field, we get a notice from the API that the page can’t load the google maps correctly and when we complete the address and hit enter, we get a message that the returned place contains no geometry. We have enabled the google maps JS API, but we are unsure if we need to enable any other APIs.

      We would also like to know if the location we have to enter as shop properties is an existing google location or the address of the shop.

      If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this problem or any suggestions for alternative plugins, we would love to hear from you.

      Thank you!

    • #189371

      Sorry to hear that you are facing an issue . But as is a third party plugin hence we are not sure why you are facing this issue.
      But please check with the plugin author whether you can exclude some page from their settings. I presume this way you can resolve the issue.

    • #192198

      It’s been a while and we have not heard back from you . We presume your query is solved. We are closing this thread . If you face issue in future please open a new thread .

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