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Membership questions

WCMp Vendor Membership

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    • #94823

      Hi, just a few questions!

      * Notifications:
      With a test Vendor we created a subscription, got an email OK to notify us of a new Vendor Account created, but nothing to notify us of a new Subscription – is that correct? Because the Vendor Account is created BEFORE a subscription (and a vendor might create an account but not subscribe yet), we would like to be notified of new subscriptions rather than Accounts, so we can browse to the Admin site and decide whether to approve their Subscription or not.

      * Is there any way to list ‘Pending’ memberships (not approved yet) on the website so we can see only the queue of Memberships that are awaiting approval? The only way I can see this at the moment online is to hover the mouse over each one to see if Approve/Reject etc is shown.

      * If we don’t Approve a Membership, is their payment automatically refunded and their membership cancelled?

      * Under Memberships, what is the difference between Deactivate Plan and Reject?

      * For a test Membership, I setup a monthly membership type with an Initial Payment of £12 and Recurring Payment of £12 (assuming this would be the fee due a month from now) but the payment received by the marketplace owner is actually immediately £24 – is this how it works? Is ‘Initial Payment’ actually a setup fee and you are also charged the Recurring fee at the same time when you create the Subscription?
      If Initial Payment is actually more like a setup fee, is there any way to remove this from the Subscription pages, because setting it to 0 still shows it as £0 in the middle of the page (with no text explanation of what it means) and this could be quite confusing for users.

      * Typo on the Manage Memberships page, ‘Show all palns’ should read ‘Show all plans’


    • #94832

      Also we have been testing with some accounts and it doesn’t look like Vendors are notified when their account has been accepted – is that correct or do we have a bug?

    • #94880

      Hi Chris, thanks for getting in touch with us.

      Our replies are inline :
      * Notifications: With a test Vendor we created a subscription, got an email OK to notify us of a new Vendor Account created, but nothing to notify us of a new Subscription – is that correct? Because the Vendor Account is created BEFORE a subscription (and a vendor might create an account but not subscribe yet), we would like to be notified of new subscriptions rather than Accounts, so we can browse to the Admin site and decide whether to approve their Subscription or not.
      >> Yes, currently we only send admin New Vendor account mail.
      However in our next update we will send a mail when vendor subscribes for a plan, we will share the same details too on the mail.

      * Is there any way to list ‘Pending’ memberships (not approved yet) on the website so we can see only the queue of Memberships that are awaiting approval? The only way I can see this at the moment online is to hover the mouse over each one to see if Approve/Reject etc is shown.
      >> In our next update we will add the pending membership in our To-Do list too.

      * If we don’t Approve a Membership, is their payment automatically refunded and their membership cancelled?
      >> Currently membership payment is not automatically refunded, however, you can do this from your PayPal account.

      * Under Memberships, what is the difference between Deactivate Plan and Reject?
      >> Deactive plan, will just unassign the plan from the vendors.
      But reject vendor will change the vendor role as rejected pending vendor.

      * For a test Membership, I setup a monthly membership type with an Initial Payment of £12 and Recurring Payment of £12 (assuming this would be the fee due a month from now) but the payment received by the marketplace owner is actually immediately £24 – is this how it works? Is ‘Initial Payment’ actually a setup fee and you are also charged the Recurring fee at the same time when you create the Subscription?
      If Initial Payment is actually more like a setup fee, is there any way to remove this from the Subscription pages, because setting it to 0 still shows it as £0 in the middle of the page (with no text explanation of what it means) and this could be quite confusing for users.
      >> I guess you are using Stripe payment mode. Stripe needs you to set both intital price and recurring price. It will deduct both intital and recurring payment amount during new account.
      But for the recurring amount, it needs you to pay only the recurring amount.

      * Typo on the Manage Memberships page, ‘Show all palns’ should read ‘Show all plans’
      >> Can you share a scrrenshot of this, so we can help you out.

    • #94893

      Thanks, this isn’t ideal! We could have hundreds of Vendors applying and we won’t be notified that we need to approve/reject their membership, and there is no easy way of seeing who is waiting and work through this list to approve them. To avoid this manual task we will just have to automatically accept memberships until this is updated and will have to monitor which vendors are using the site.
      If you are updating this feature, it would also be useful to have more information shown, or a link to the Vendor account from the Memberships list page, from this you can’t really decide if a Membership should be Accepted/Rejected because you cannot see any information about the Vendor except the username (we would decide to Accept/Reject based on Store Name, Address, Description etc).
      Similarly if you are working on having an email sent out when a Membership is requested, a link to that specific Membership would help with this.

      For Membership payments, we were planning on also adding Paypal as a payment method, but from what you are saying, this might act differently to Stripe? Can you confirm if the initial then recurring payments are both taken initially with Paypal too? If Paypal acts any differently then we won’t offer this option because it would confuse users.

      We would like there to be no initial payment, only the recurring one, but to do this it shows a large £0.00 in the centre of the Membership page – can we remove this rather than show a zero figure? There is no explanation next to this amount so it’s quite confusing, particularly because the figure is shown as bigger than the recurring fee. (screenshot attached).

      Screenshot also attached of the typo on the drop-down menu

    • #94990

      @chris sands, We will definitely look into your suggestion when we will be working on this.

      For the recurring and initial part, PayPal will only deduct the initial payment. As per the recurring schedule.
      But stripe will deduct both initial and recurring amount.

      Let us know if you have any further query.

    • #95518

      Hi @Moumita can I also suggest that more descriptive fields are listed on the Vendor page

      At the moment the main field (Name) I think is username which is taken from email address and might not be changed by the user. It would be good to see Store Name here so you can easily see which store each line is for. Thanks.

    • #95575

      @chris sands, under personal you can see the Username.
      But under “Store” you can see the store name :

    • #95691

      Hi @Moumita yes from the Vendors page you can see this username, but this often doesn’t let you identify the store (if the email username isn’t descriptive). So if you want to edit a particular store (or see which stores are on the marketplace), you can’t identify Store from the Vendor list – see screenshot.

      It would be really useful if Store Name was listed on this page.

    • #95745

      @chris sands, I have forwarded this to our team.

      Once I have an update, will let you know.

    • #96422

      Hi! Please add this code to your current active theme’s functions.php

      //Inserting header
      add_filter('wcmp_list_table_vendors_columns', 'add_store_name');
      function add_store_name($columns){
      $columns = [
                  'cb' => '<input type="checkbox" />',
                  'username' => __( 'Name', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor' ),
                  'vendor_page_title' => __( 'Store Name', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor' ),
                  'email' => __( 'Email', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor' ),
                  'registered' => __( 'Registered', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor' ),
                  'products' => __( 'Products', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor' ),
                  'status' => __( 'Status', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor' ),
              return $columns;
      //inserting corresponding data
      function vendor_data($user){
          $user = array(
                          'ID' => $user['ID'],
                          'name' => $user['name'],
                          'vendor_page_title'=> sprintf('<a href="%1$s">' . $user['username']. '</a>', admin_url('edit.php?post_type=product&dc_vendor_shop=' . $user['username'])),
                          'email' => $user['email'],
                          'registered' => get_date_from_gmt( $user['registered'] ),
                          'products' => $user['products'],
                          'status' => $user['status'],
                          'permalink' => $user['permalink'],
                          'username' => $user['name']
          return $user;
    • #96895

      Hi @samaresh , thanks for this, I have added this to my Theme code.

      For future releases this would also be useful on the Memberships page for the same reason – to see the store name as well as the user name.


    • #96896

      @chris sands, okay thanks for the request.

      I have shared this with our team.

    • #97193

      Dear Moumita,
      when the feature for sending of emails to vendors after registration will be released? It is very important to me to have it as soon as possible.

      Kind regards

    • #97196

      @emanuele we need to inspect the issue in your site.

      Please do create a separate thread and share the site access and ftp access there. So we can check this issue there.

    • #100721

      Hi, as we are building a marketplace with lots of Vendors, we are wondering who else has created this and also uses Stripe Marketplace.

      We need a process to check which Vendors have (and haven’t) connected their Stripe account. If a Vendor hasn’t connected Stripe, but adds products, users will get the error message when adding their products to their basket

      1. How can we edit this text? (“You have products belonging to more than one vendor in your cart who might be facing some technical issues. Contact the admin for more details.”)

      2. Can Payment Method be shown as a column in the User list? This will show us who hasn’t connected Stripe yet.

      3. Is there a way to manually temporarily disable a Vendor’s membership until they have enabled Stripe, then we can enable again?
      We tried this by selecting ‘De-activate plan’ on the Membership list page, but we can’t re-enable a membership (that user has the same Plan highlighted on the Membership plan page but it can’t be activated)?
      Could a Vendors profile and products only be shown once they have connected a payment method?

    • #100794

      Hi, We are looking into this and will let you know with the updates ASAP.

    • #100824

      Thanks. For 3, I noticed that for a Vendor with an inactive membership, if they click on My Account, the Dashboard link isn’t shown (I guess because they are no longer a vendor?). So unless they have bookmarked the Dashboard page and revisit this, they won’t see this and notice the ‘Resubmit Application’ button! This isn’t linked to in the standard email either so I’m not sure how they would know how to re-apply?

      Also how does the marketplace admin add a note when rejecting their application? I can see ‘Test note’ was added when a Vendor was rejected but I didn’t type this text – how is this generated and how can it be changed?

    • #100904

      Chris, our replies are inline :

      3, I noticed that for a Vendor with an inactive membership, if they click on My Account, the Dashboard link isn’t shown (I guess because they are no longer a vendor?). So unless they have bookmarked the Dashboard page and revisit this, they won’t see this and notice the ‘Resubmit Application’ button! This isn’t linked to in the standard email either so I’m not sure how they would know how to re-apply?

      >> Currently we display this section:

      However, we will add the resubmit option there in our future update.

      – Also how does the marketplace admin add a note when rejecting their application? I can see ‘Test note’ was added when a Vendor was rejected but I didn’t type this text – how is this generated and how can it be changed?

      >> Admin can add rejection note from here:

      2. Can Payment Method be shown as a column in the User list? This will show us who hasn’t connected Stripe yet.

      >> Yes.. however for this you need to do come custom code.
      Our technical team is looking into this.

      3. Is there a way to manually temporarily disable a Vendor’s membership until they have enabled Stripe, then we can enable again?
      We tried this by selecting ‘De-activate plan’ on the Membership list page, but we can’t re-enable a membership (that user has the same Plan highlighted on the Membership plan page but it can’t be activated)?

      >> Yes, you can manually disable the plan via WP-admin >> Vendor Types >> Membership.

      Let us know if you have any further queries.

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