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Multi Vendor Checkout Issue Using Per Product Shipping Plugin and Module

MultivendorX Pro

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  • Author
    • #193523
      Justin Harrison

      Hi Support, I had quite the difficulty figuring out this latest issue, but I was able to narrow it down to the WooCommerce Shipping Per Product plugin that is required in order to use the MultivendorX Per Product Shipping module.

      When I activate the WooCommerce Shipping Per Product v2 plugin, it breaks the multivendor checkout. It only shows rates for the first shipment/vendor and not for the second, third, etc. It just says “No shipping options available” for all but the first vendor in the cart/checkout. I have tried many ways of configuration and whether I have the MultivendorX module enabled or not doesn’t matter. The second I activate the plugin, it breaks the checkout so I am assuming there is some type of conflict with the plugin and it may not be related to your module. I deactivated all other plugins besides WooCommerce and MultivendorX plugins and was able to replicate the issue, so I feel confident there’s not another player causing the issue there.

      Can you tell me what version of the WooCommerce Shipping Per Product plugin that MultivendorX is tested and compatible with? I’m currently on 2.4.1. Is there any assistance you can provide here so that I can use this feature but not break the checkout when the cart contains multiple vendors?

      Thank you.

    • #193541

      Hello @Justin Harrison
      We have WooCommerce Shipping per product v2 2.5.0 on our end . And there is no such issue with cart or checkout .
      We have not tested with the version mentioned by you .

    • #193685
      Justin Harrison

      Hi Sangita, is there any way that someone with MVX could login to my dev site and see what is configured incorrectly? I have deactivated all plugins except for WooCommerce, MVX, MVX Pro, and WooCommerce Shipping Per Product and checkout for multiple packages is still not working. I updated all plugins and am now on 2.5.0 for WooCommerce Shipping Per Product. Everything works fine at checkout as long as that plugin is not activated and I don’t really know where to go from here on debugging since I’ve eliminated the possibility of a conflict with another plugin and you say that it works on your end with MVX and MVX Pro. Please let me know and I can provide the login privately. I can also upload tons of screenshots or a video of my shipping configuration, but honestly, it’s pretty basic so I’m not sure where to go here.

    • #193696

      @Justin Harrison Kindly create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the site url, temporary admin, FTP access with us. So that we can look into the issue on your end and help you accordingly.
      While sharing the access do not forget to mark your reply as private.

    • #193735
      Justin Harrison
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #193751

      Thanks for sharing the access.
      We checked your site and it seems like the issue is not related to MultiVendorX or MultiVendorX Pro.
      Kindly check the video
      Even if we disable MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro still there is an issue with shipping in checkout.
      Now kindly check the flow on our end
      There might be some issue with the shipping configuration on your end. Kindly check that carefully and let us know.

    • #193776
      Justin Harrison

      Hi Sangita, thank you for the prompt response. That is very interesting. I am going to continue debugging without MultivendorX and MultivendorX Pro activated and may reach out to WooCommerce to see if they can provide guidance and support for the Per Product plugin if I can’t figure it out. I wasn’t able to access the second video link in your response, but I don’t think it’s necessary in order for me to continue debugging. Thank you again. I will update you once I get a resolution in case it may be helpful for anyone else.

    • #193780
      Justin Harrison

      Hi Sangita, so it looks like you were having an issue with checkout with MultivendorX and MultivendorX Pro deactivated because there were no shipping methods set up other than Per Product. Under MultivendorX, the only methods activated were Vendor Shipping and Per Product shipping. Obviously when you deactivate MultivendorX, that takes away Vendor Shipping so when the only method you have set up is Per Product shipping and a per product price is not set then no rates will be returned at checkout and that’s expected. If I add a flat rate shipping method with MultivendorX deactivated (so there’s a method there to be able to be displayed at checkout), it works fine. There are no issues even with Per Product Shipping activated.

      So let’s take a look at this from a different angle… now I have a “Sitewide Flat Rate for Testing” method set up that will apply to all vendors for 9.99. Then I have Vendor Flat Rate methods set up for each vendor Test Vendor 1 and Test Vendor 2. They are flat rate and apply to all products and those flat rates are 10.01 for Test Vendor 1 and 10.02 for Test Vendor 2. If you have WooCommerce Per Product Shipping plugin activated, the Vendor Shipping rates won’t show for the second or third vendors at checkout, only the Sitewide Flat Rate for Testing shows for the other packages. So the issue appears to be with the “Vendor Shipping” methods that MultivendorX sets up not appearing when WooCommerce Per Product is in use because the other rates set up at the core WooCommerce level (like the Sitewide Flat Rate for Testing) indeed show as options at checkout for a second or third vendor, just not the vendor specific methods.

      Please log back in now and test the rates at checkout since I have added this “sitewide flat rate for testing” method that proves that indeed the only rates that are a problem are related “Vendor Shipping” methods which are implemented by MultivendorX.

      I included 2 screenshots below – one where the Per Product Shipping plugin is activated and one where the Per Product Shipping plugin is deactivated. Obviously the screenshot that shows vendor rates and sitewide flat rates for both is what the expected and desired result to be.

    • #193787

      Hello, we checked in your our end and we did not find any issue. Please make sure you have enabled
      i)per-product shipping module enabled by admin.
      ii)Vendors have added shipping class and shipping rates for the products.
      If you have done all these, then you are not supposed to get any errors.

      We have enabled all these and checked by adding product from both the vendors and per product shipping was charged separately for both the products.

      Here is the video
      Kindly check and let us know.

    • #193825
      Justin Harrison
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #193861

      Thanks for sharing the video. Our team is looking into the issue. Please provide us some time.

    • #193924
      Justin Harrison

      Hi Sangita, has your team had a chance to look into this yet? Just wondering if the problem was able to be identified and if there is any kind of timeline on a solution. Thank you.

    • #193943

      Not to worry @Justin.
      Our team is checking and once the issue gets fixed we will surely let you know.

    • #194191
      Justin Harrison

      Hi Sangita, it has been 10 days since I sent the video documenting the issue. Can you provide any kind of timeline when this will be available?

    • #194267
      Justin Harrison

      I hate to bug you all, but we can’t onboard one of our vendors until this is resolved. Is there any update?

    • #194282

      @Justin Harrison Extremely sorry for the delayed response. We have checked the issue with the earlier versions too. But it seems like there was never support with the woocommerce per product shipping for older versions of WCMp too.
      It seems like this issue is related with per product shipping’s own coding. Do you have any previous version of woocommerce per product shipping that used to work?

    • #194293
      Justin Harrison

      No, I don’t have a version that worked previously. I’ve never tried to use it as far as I can remember in previous projects. You claim that your plugin works with WooCommerce Per Product shipping, so does this mean that it doesn’t and never has? This a tough one since it’s something needed and we planned on being able to use it since your plugin said it had that capability. I’ll look into the plugin code to see how I can resolve it later I guess.

    • #194372

      @Justin Harrison, I can understand your frustration. We have checked this issue with per product shipping plugin’s earlier versions too.

      But it seems like there is no support for multiple shipping classes in WooCommerce per product shipping plugin.

      The woocommerce per product shipping is coded in a way that when multiple shipments are available in the cart it is blocking the shipping options of others except for the first one.

      So, I am afraid, the only way to use per product shipping if you have single vendor checkout only.

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