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Multiple shipping class per vendor

WCMp Core

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    • #214981

      Would WCMp work with multiple shipping class per vendor ?

      Would be definitlely useful for us to be able to set shipping method based on diferent shipping-class for the same Vendor

    • #215014

      Hello @webmaster.mid Thanks for getting in touch with us.
      Please note, WCMp is now rebranded as MultiVendorX.

      By default flow of MultiVendorX, when a vendor is added to the site, we automatically generate a default shipping class for that vendor.
      Now this shipping class is assigned to their products automatically. However, if desired, the administrator has the option to create multiple shipping classes, and vendors can then access and utilize them from their end.
      For this modification kindly follow our doc here
      If you need any further assistance from our end please let us know.

    • #217057

      It’s been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please create a new support topic.

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