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MultiVendorX breaks my account area

Theme and Plugin Support

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  • Author
    • #195574
    • #195584 Sorry to hear that you are facing such issues on your end.
      We have checked the issues on our end and we didn’t face any of the issues that you are facing on your end with the current version of MultiVendorX. Kindly check the video
      But as you are facing issues on your end, kindly create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the staging site url, temporary admin and ftp access with us. So that we can check the issue on your end and help you accordingly.

    • #197572

      Its been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your issue is solved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please open a new support topic.

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