multivendorX critical errors


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  • Author
    • #143546
      Jafet Romero

      1.- Conflict with old wcmp package (wcmp plugins give critical error)
      2.- Conflict with Meta_box plugin (DrFury theme requirement) which used to work with wcmp now gives critical error
      3.- Updates of some plugs give critical error.

      Due to all these inconveniences, I ask you if you can refer me to a link to download the previous version of wcmp (since it also conflicts with our custom code)

    • #143799

      Hello Jafet, Sorry to hear about the issues you are facing.Our replies are inlined.

      1.- Conflict with old wcmp package (wcmp plugins give critical error)
      = We have already released MultiVendorX Pro.You can send an email to .The team will surely help you to upgrade the plugin.
      2.- Conflict with Meta_box plugin (DrFury theme requirement) which used to work with wcmp now gives critical error
      = Can you please explain the error with video so that we can assist you accordingly.
      3.- Updates of some plugs give critical error.
      = Can you please share details about the error so that we can assist you as soon as possible.

    • #148532

      We haven’t heard back from you. We presume this issue has been fixed, so we are closing this one.
      if you need any further help, please do open another thread.

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