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“Payment method” and test mode on the vendor management page

WCMp Stripe Marketplace

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  • Author
    • #128080

      If you switch the test mode and production mode of Stripe connect in “Payment method” on the vendor management page, the connection will be lost. Is there a way to stay in production mode?

    • #128131

      Hi @lackriver01, thanks for getting in touch with us.

      Can you please explain the issue a bit more.
      Please note, if you want to stay in production mode all you have to do is disable the Staging Mode via WCMp >> Settings >> Payment >> Stripe.

    • #128231

      In test mode, the vendor’s stripe account production will be disconnected. What should I do to prevent the production from being disconnected even if I turn on the test mode?

    • #128265

      @lackriver01, stripe has two different access for to different environments i.e. live and staging. That is why when the admin will use product mode, the vendor needs to connect themself with that production environment.

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