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Problem with the auctions

Theme and Plugin Support

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  • Author
    • #192114
      Lluis Torns


      I am developing a website with your plugin multivendor X version 4.0.7 and MultiVendorX Pro version 1.0.3.
      And there is a problem with the auctions. The customer can upload a product but, can’t’ upload and auction.
      As an administrator I can’t upload and auction too.
      I have modified a little the visual interface of the plugin(so i can’t update the plugin), but I think I didn’t touch anything of the core structure of the plugin.

      I attach you the error message.

      What do you need to resolve this problem?


    • #192135

      @Lluis Torn’s Sorry to hear that you are facing an issue .
      But we tried to recreate this on our end but didn’t face any such issue.

      Can you please share temporary admin access so we can check?
      While sharing the access don’t forget to mark the response as private.

    • #192149
      Lluis Torns
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #192161

      Our team will check and get back to you. Kindly provide them with some time.

    • #192172
      Lluis Torns
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #192233

      As per the default flow of WooCommerce the vendor is also a buyer in the marketplace . So if a seller uploads a product he will also be able to purchase that product .Now in your case the flow is not same because of your added customisation .
      So kindly create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the temporary admin ,FTP access with us . Also kindly share a video how can we recreate the flow on your end . While sharing the access don’t forget to mark your reply as private .
      Whenever you are adding customization , do it by template overriding

    • #192245
      Lluis Torns
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #192246
      Lluis Torns
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #192262

      Hi @Lluis Torns
      We have recreated the whole scenario on our end with the exact versions of the plugins. Here the admin can add a new auction product and bid for the product as well . Kindly check this on our site –
      url –
      Username – testadmin
      Password – ^FOR@yp1pASGI3Z2Ys7GTbyp
      You must have added some customization for which the flow is not working on your end .

    • #192410
      Lluis Torns


      I can’t enter in the test site, maybe the credentials are wrong?


    • #192412

      Kindly use these credentials –
      site url – https://multivendordemo.comtest//test1/wp-admin
      Username – testadmin
      Password – APdo2eD)zg)eDyAX&l0@o2Hn

    • #192433
      Lluis Torns

      Today I have been debugging the code.
      I have discovered that there is an incompatibility between your plugin and the WPML translation plugin.
      When I deactivate the WPML plugin, I can upload auctions correctly.
      By the time I turn it back on I get the following error.
      Do you have any idea how to solve it?

      I attach a screenshots

    • #192451

      Hello @Lluis Torns We have already checked WPML with the latest versions of MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro but we are not getting any such issue . Kindly create a staging site and share the site url , temporary admin and ftp access with us . As the earlier shared access is not working anymore .

    • #192452
      Lluis Torns
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #192468

      Hi @Lluis Torns
      The issue is not caused because of incompatibility between MultiVendorX and WPML . We have tested the flow keeping MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro deactivated . The error is still coming even when MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro is deactivated. The issue caused because of the incompatibility between the auction plugin and WPML.
      You can yourself test it on this site
      site url – https://multivendordemo.comtest//test1/wp-admin
      Username – testadmin
      Password – APdo2eD)zg)eDyAX&l0@o2Hn

    • #192476
      Lluis Torns

      I see now! There is an incompatibility between the auction plugin and WPML. I understand that since it is not a problem with multivendor x or the PRO, you do not give support, right?

      If so, who should I turn to to solve this problem?

      However, if you could give me support I would greatly appreciate it. Because I’m very lost at this point.


    • #192505

      @Lluis Torns, I guess you need to contact the Auction plugin author, they would be able to help you out better.

    • #192243
      Lluis Torns
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #192244
      Lluis Torns
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #192599
      Lluis Torns

      Perfect, I’ll contact them.


    • #192616

      We are closing this thread . If you need help or face issue in future please create a new thread

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