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several opening and closing intervals in one day

WCMp Vendor Vacation

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  • Author
    • #142488
      Rashidi Mohsen

      Hi Support Team

      I am designing a delivery platform and for that I choose WCMP frontend+vacation
      But I need 2 intervals of opening and closing in one day
      Indeed, each restaurant is closed during the afternoon and re open at the beginning of the night but I can’t indicate this in your plugin
      Please can you help me ?
      Thank you so much by advance
      Best regards

    • #142569
      Rashidi Mohsen

      Hi Support Team,
      In addition to my previous message, I need your help for other WCMP vacation feature
      Indeed, when a shop is closed, a message appears ok but in case of the shop doesn’t want to sell the add button cart remains.
      How can I shut off the button add cart ?
      I need also to allow the customer to choose a slot time delivery. I see on the forum your solution with Woo commerce booking plugin but it isn’t convenience for me. I see also to add a code in function.php for each product
      but it is not the solution for me either because the schedules do not depend on the product but on each store so I need to display time slots according to the store on its own opening hours. What is the solution to achieve this?
      Thank you so much by advance for quick reply
      Best regards

    • #142610

      Hi Rashidi Mohsen, thanks for reaching WCMp Support.

      Our replies are inline :

      – I am designing a delivery platform and for that I choose WCMP frontend+vacation
      But I need 2 intervals of opening and closing in one day

      >> Currently we have support for a single open and closed time.

      But if you want to add support for two open and close time, then you have to do custom code.
      Do you have any developers so we can guide them accordingly?

      – when a shop is closed, a message appears ok but in case of the shop doesn’t want to sell the add button-cart remains.
      How can I shut off the button add cart ?

      >> We have a setting to remove add to cart:

      – it is not the solution for me either because the schedules do not depend on the product but on each store so I need to display time slots according to the store on its own opening hours. What is the solution to achieve this?
      >> I am afraid currently there is no ready-made solution on this flow.
      But you can definitely modify the code using our hook/filters. Do you have any developers so we can assit them with the coding flow?

    • #142676
      Rashidi Mohsen
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #142717

      as per your requirement you have to add huge amount of code.
      Kindly wcmp-vendor_vacation/templates/wcmp_vendor_vacation_settings_template.php override and add your custom modification to add custom fields.

      To save the data checkout wcmp-vendor_vacation/classes/class-wcmp-vendor-vacation-frontend.php for reference.

      using below filter you have to add functionality to close or open shop

      apply_filters('wcmp_vacation_is_vendor_shop_open', 'default', $vendor_id, $date);

      for more information check wcmp-vendor_vacation/includes/wcmp-vendor-vacation-core-functions.php


    • #142823
      Rashidi Mohsen
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #142834
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