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Show the order delivery date on the vendor dashboard

WCMp Core

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    • #132835

      Hi there! I’m using a plugin called Woocommerce delivery slots by Iconic (link here so that customers can select a delivery date at checkout.

      When a customer completes checkout, they must select a delivery date and time slot. The delivery date and time slot are saved to an order as post meta. This means it’s possible to fetch using PHP, as shown in the Iconic documentation here

      This delivery date is really important as it’s when the vendor must prepare their products for delivery. Therefore it would be great if we could show the delivery date on the vendor dashboard. This way the vendor can see when they should expect the order.

      Is there any way to show the delivery date on the vendor dashboard somehow with some PHP? Maybe there is a WCMp hook that can fetch the delivery date and display it somewhere on the vendor dashboard as part of the order details?

      It would be great if the vendor could view the delivery date on the vendor dashboard page where the vendor views the order details, but I’m open to showing it anywhere on the vendor dashboard if there’s an easier way to do it.

      I understand this involves another plugin so could be complex, but as the delivery date is always stored on the order I’m hoping there is a simple way to use a WCMp hook to simply fetch the delivery date and expose it on the vendor dashboard.

      Thank you so much!

    • #133048

      Hi, thank you for getting in touch with us.
      The plugin that you are using is currently not compatible with WCMp.
      However you can follow this code for your working purpose-

    • #133424

      Hi Tithi, thanks for your response. The link you sent is for allowing the vendor to show a delivery date for a PRODUCT on the dashboard. I would like to display the delivery time for an ORDER on the dashboard.

      The plugin I’m using already stores the delivery date as meta data on the order. Therefore, I have been able to show this delivery date on WCMp vendor emails already, so I think it should be possible to display the date on the dashboard as well.

      For example, on the vendor-new-order.php email template, I added the following code:

      $parent_order_id = $order->get_parent_id();
      $delivery_date = $parent_order_id ? get_post_meta($parent_order_id, ‘jckwds_date’, true ) : $order->get_meta(‘jckwds_date’);
      <p><?php printf(esc_html__(‘Your shop has received a new order through the Hi Street website and is now %s. We will collect the order from your shop on %s. The order is shown below:’, ‘dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor’), $order->get_status( ‘edit’ ), $delivery_date ); ?></p>

      As you can see, the middle sentence says ‘We will collect the order from your shop on <delivery_date>’, and it displays the actual order delivery date set by the delivery date plugin. As it was easy to show the delivery date on this WCMp email template, I hope that it would be possible to display on the vendor dashboard as well?

      Thank you!

    • #133435

      Can you kindly share a screenshot of the page and place where you want to display the delivery time.

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