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Site gets extremely slow after accessing advanced frontend manager

WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager

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  • Author
    • #144015
      Tim Kerremans

      When I login as vendor the server response time on the whole website gets extremely slow (6-8 seconds). All pages on WCMP frontend manager have this slow response time but also the website frontend is very slow with ttfb of 6-8 seconds.

      Once I log out as vendor the website is quick and responsive again. How can I resolve this issue?
      I’m using Siteground Optimizer for caching and Cloudflare as CDN.

      *This issue is only happening with vendor accounts

    • #144230

      @Tim Kerremans, as you already know that we have released MultiVendorX. With this version of MultiVendorX and MultivendorX Pro, we don’t think you will face any such issues.

      So, please create a staging site first and check the flow there.

      Now in order to migrate to multivendorx pro, you may opt for any threee options :

      Option A

      We will share MultivendorX with the module you need. i.e. if you had only Frontend Manager, then you can only use Frontend Manageraddon’s feature in the MuliVendorX Pro.
      But you can’t update the plugin after this, as this is one time solution only.
      For permanet result, we would request you to purchase MultiVendorX Pro from here and opt for option B or Option C

      Option B

      We will give you coupon discount based on the month left of your subscription, and you can use MultiVendorX Pro
      i.e. if you have purchased Advance Frontend of 100 USD and purchased this on 1st January. Then you have left 2 month in your subscription. So you will get coupon code of 100*2/12 = 16.6 => 17%

      Option C
      You can opt for trail version of MultivendorX Pro for a month and based then opt for the Option B
      But please note, in order to use Option C, you need to give us some details (we will share that later). Only then we can give you API key for the one month free trial.

    • #144442
      Tim Kerremans

      Hi, thanks for getting back to me.

      I’d like to start with option A to test this new version. I’m indeed using Frontend Manager on top of the core plugin. Can you share the plugin with frontend module?

    • #144506
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #145337
      Tim Kerremans


      It seems like this version of the plugin does not include the option to add variable products. I tried tweaking all settings to enable variable products but am only able to add simple products from vendor dashboard. Can you please share a version that does include the option for the vendors to add variable products?

      I attached some screenshot to show that I have enabled all necessary options to add variable products without success.

    • #145406

      Hi Tim, thanks for the mail.

      As you have updated WCMp to the latest version , i.e. MultiVendorX
      So you need MultiVendorX with MultiVendorX Pro.

      From now onwards, MultiVendorX Pro (, contains all the paid addon’s feature init.

      So, in order to migrate to MultiVendorX pro, you may opt for any three options :

      Option A

      We will share MultivendorX with the module you need. i.e. if you had only Frontend Manager, then you can only use Frontend Manageraddon’s feature in the MuliVendorX Pro.
      But you can’t update the plugin after this, as this is one-time solution only.
      For permanent results, we would request you to purchase MultiVendorX Pro from here and opt for option B or Option C

      Option B

      We will give you a coupon discount based on the month left of your subscription, and you can use MultiVendorX Pro
      i.e. if you have purchased Advance Frontend of 100 USD and purchased this on 1st January. Then you have left 2 month in your subscription. So you will get coupon code of 100*2/12 = 16.6 => 17

      Option C
      You can opt for trail version of MultivendorX Pro for a month and based then opt for the Option B
      But please note, in order to use Option C, you need to give us some details regarding your site and small testimonial. Only then we can give you API key for the one month free trial.

    • #145410
      Tim Kerremans

      Please read my message. You have already shared option A with me (just look at the previous messages!) but it does not include variable products

    • #145411
      Tim Kerremans

      Can you also already share coupon code for option B? If I manage to make it work with option A I will get the advanced frontend with discount code

    • #145450
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #145455
      Tim Kerremans


      I am trying to use my old frontend manager key but I’m unable to activate the new plugin on my staging website with this key. I have tried to purge ALL cache, re-enter api key and product id but it is not working. The status is always showing ‘deactivated’.

      On my live website the api key is showing activated as it should

    • #145496

      Hello Tim,First you deactivate the MultiVendorX Pro plugin and then activate it.Next you can enable the license.

    • #145500
      Tim Kerremans


      This also does not work, I just did exactly what you told to do but it makes no difference for me unfortunately

    • #145503

      Tim, can you share temporary admin access so we can check?
      While sharing the access don’t forget to mark the response as private.

    • #145509
      Tim Kerremans
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #145593
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #145595
      Tim Kerremans
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #145623
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #145631
      Tim Kerremans

      I don’t understand, I have given you access to activate the license. You can check this yourself while you are on the WordPress admin panel.
      Clearly the goal (activating the license) has not been achieved as it is still deactivated and I’m still not able to activate it in any way.

    • #145707
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    • #145708
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    • #145719
      Tim Kerremans
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #145791
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #145798
      Tim Kerremans

      Okay the license is activated and I am able to create variable products. However, now the ‘all products’ page is broken as it only shows mobile view (also on desktop) and is not showing products.

      Please check my attached screenshot to see what I mean

    • #145821

      The issue is coming from your theme rehub. We have change it to “Twenty Twenty-Two” the latest wordpress theme. Now its working fine. Please check your site. There might be script conflict. Please talk to the theme developer.

    • #146691

      Hi Raju,

      I upgraded to Pro, but mine keeps saying PRO. The same issue with Tim’s.

      Vendor’s dashboard is a mess, and vendor has access to WP dashboard.

      It’s messing up businesses, these are not occasional bugs. Please rectify this issue.

    • #146730

      Hi, we have replied over the mail. Please check.

    • #148089

      I upgraded to Pro, but mine keeps saying PRO. The same issue with Tim’s.

    • #148128

      @tooponn, please share your oRder number so we can assist you with this.

    • #187342

      Hello , we presume your issue is solved. So we are closing this thread. If you need any help in future please open another thread.

    • #187344

      Hello , we presume your issue is solved. So we are closing this thread. If you need any help in future please open another thread.

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