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“Sold by” vendor logo on store and product pages

Theme and Plugin Support

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    • #114891

      Hello, I would like to know if it’s possible to have the logo and the name of the seller in the “sold by” part instead of the text that we currently have. I have put examples of what I would like in attachments.

      Appreciate your prompt help

    • #114957


      Thank you for reaching out to us.

      By default flow we show sold by option in the product page. Now if you want to change it then you have to do custom coding at your end. Kindly let us know if you need any help with the hooks and filter then our team will help you accordingly.

    • #115019

      Yes, a help will be very useful 🙂
      How can I reach your team?

    • #115043

      Please add this code in the function.php of the current active theme and add your custom code as per your requirement.

      add_action('init', 'wcmp_change_sold_by_shop_single');
      function wcmp_change_sold_by_shop_single(){
      	global $WCMp;
      	remove_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', array($WCMp->vendor_caps, 'wcmp_after_add_to_cart_form'), 6);
      	remove_action('woocommerce_product_meta_start', array($WCMp->vendor_caps, 'wcmp_after_add_to_cart_form'), 25);
      	add_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'wcmp_after_add_to_cart_form', 6);
      	add_action('woocommerce_product_meta_start', 'wcmp_after_add_to_cart_form', 25);
      function wcmp_after_add_to_cart_form(){
      	global $post;
          if ('Enable' === get_wcmp_vendor_settings('sold_by_catalog', 'general') && apply_filters('wcmp_sold_by_text_after_products_shop_page', true, $post->ID)) {
              $vendor = get_wcmp_product_vendors($post->ID);
              if ($vendor) {
                 // your custom code here
                 do_action('after_sold_by_text_shop_page', $vendor);


    • #119129

      We have not received any update from you for a long. Hope this ticket is already been resolved.

      We are now closing this ticket. Kindly create a new one if you need any further help.

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