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Stripe Error with pending vendors

Theme and Plugin Support

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  • Author
    • #204295
      Nathan Wolhendler

      I have a couple vendors that came through as pending vendors but on my stripe dashboard I see they did not pay the sign up fee and this error is written by each of them, “failed, you requested that stripe block payments (like this one) for which the customer entered zip / postal code does not match the code on file with the card issuing bank.”

    • #204296
      Nathan Wolhendler

      I reached out to stripe, but from their end the charge failed / was blocked, but was sucessful in wordpress and the subscription was setup, please help

    • #204297
      Nathan Wolhendler

      the same is happening when a cvc failed in stripe but went through successfully in WordPress, so it shows the users order was a success and signed them up but in stripe it failed and is marked as cancelled?

    • #204358

      @Nathan Wolhendler Sorry to hear that you are facing issues on your end. But as we are not able to test these issues on live mode on our end hence kindly test the below mentioned cases on your end and share a corresponding video to each of the cases.

      Make a purchase of a non recurring plan with WooCommerce, MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro activated and recreate the same scenario mentioned above.
      Make a purchase of a subscription plan with only WooCommerce, WooCommerce Subscription and WooCommerce Stripe activated to recreate the same issue.

      Please share detailed videos of both the cases with us so that we can look into this and help you accordingly.

    • #204445
      Nathan Wolhendler

      I just did a full test, when the cc number is wrong it picks up the error but if the expiration date or security code is wrong is puts the order through anyway, and stripe has a zip code verification that the zip has to match the zip associated with the card and that is not working either. Other payment methods are working just not stripe enabled through the multivendor-x plugin. This is only true for the recurring subscriptions. For products purchased using the same stripe payment processor it is picking up a wrong security code and exp date. Please help asap! I am running into bug after bug!

    • #204446
      Nathan Wolhendler

      I did not share a video because I do not want to share my live card or stripe info for security purposes

    • #206872

      Thanks for explaining this to us. Our team is looking into the issue. Kindly provide us some time.

    • #214071
      Nathan Wolhendler

      any update on this?

    • #214096

      @Nathan Wolhendler Our team is checking the problem. Don’t worry, we’ll let you know when we’ve fixed it.
      Thanks for your cooperation.

    • #215213
      Nathan Wolhendler

      Still waiting on this desperately! Any update?

    • #215250

      @Nathan Wolhendler Our development team has been actively engaged in integrating WooCommerce HPOS feature support with MultiVendorX, causing a slight delay in implementing this fix. Rest assured, they have now initiated the work on resolving this issue. We will promptly notify you once the fix is completed. Thank you for your cooperation.

    • #216496
      Nathan Wolhendler

      This error is still happening, this is really causing issues on my site, can you please let me know what is happening with it?

    • #216521

      We sincerely apologize for the delay. Our recent release included the WooCommerce HPOS feature supported by MultiVendorX and MultiVendorX Pro, which caused a delay in addressing the issue with Stripe. Please be assured that our team is actively working on the payment modules, and hopefully by wednesday we will be able to provide you with an update of the fix.
      We appreciate your understanding and cooperation throughout this process.

    • #216668

      @Nathan Wolhendler Thanks for your cooperation so far.
      Our team conducted a comprehensive examination of the membership registration process and identified an issue. Previously, when a user registered through the MultiVendorX registration form with a membership plan, regardless of the settings in the “Approve vendor” option (, they were being registered as a vendor on the site even if the payment was not made or unsuccessful.
      To address this, we have updated the flow. Now, when a user registers with a membership plan, their user role will be set as “pending vendor” until they complete the payment. Only after a successful payment will they be designated as a vendor on the website.

      You can check the same by downloading the fixed plugin from here – and let us know whether everything works fine on your end.

    • #216671
      Nathan Wolhendler

      But this did not fix the stripe issues, a cvc failed in stripe but went through successfully in WordPress, so it shows the users order was a success and signed them up but in stripe it failed and is marked as cancelled?

    • #216672
      Nathan Wolhendler

      Your current flow was already doing that, bringing them in as pending vendors, I don’t want them to even be vendors until the pay, would love to have the registration and payment in 1 screen so its clear to the end user

    • #216695

      @Nathan Wolhendler , We’ve examined the flow by placing an order with an incorrect CVV, resulting in an error message appearing during checkout (
      Let me explain the payment process: Users input their card details, which we then send to Stripe for verification. Stripe checks the accuracy of the data and processes the payment accordingly, finalizing the order. Therefore, it’s Stripe’s responsibility to validate the entered card details.
      However, since you’ve observed that orders are still being placed on your website despite providing an incorrect CVV, it indicates that your Stripe account may not be configured properly. Stripe has specific rules for verifying incorrect CVVs that need to be configured on the Stripe end. Please refer to this documentation here ( and adjust your Stripe account configuration accordingly.

      Furthermore, the process you’re mentioning where users will not become pending vendors after registering but not completing payment is invalid. Because without registering users as pending vendors, we wouldn’t have their data.
      Therefore, users who haven’t completed their payment but have registered via the vendor registration form should be classified as pending vendors. If you don’t want them, you can simply delete those pending vendors from the admin dashboard.

    • #216785
      Nathan Wolhendler

      I had stripe look and they said everything is right from their end, also when purchasing a regular product, stripe work properly, it is just the stripe errors on subscription that are not working.

    • #216795

      Hello @Nathan Wolhendler, As previously mentioned, we haven’t encountered any issues with our Stripe account as described by you.
      To further investigate, it would be immensely helpful if you could set up a staging site that mirrors your live site exactly. Please share the staging site URL, along with temporary admin and FTP access, so we can test the issue on your end by integrating our Stripe details.
      If everything functions correctly with our Stripe integration, we can then collaborate with the Stripe team by sharing both our and your Stripe account details. This will enable them to identify any discrepancies in the settings and provide relevant insights.

    • #216857
      Nathan Wolhendler
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #216867

      Thanks for sharing information with us.
      As we are closed due to weekends. We will look into it once we are open.

    • #216967
      Nathan Wolhendler

      any update?

    • #216984

      @Nathan Wolhendler We added our stripe sandbox details on your end and checked the flow of membership subscription with a card for a generic decline and also for a card with incorrect CVV. In the checkout while paying with the card the order did not get placed and also there displayed an error. As a result the vendor got registered on the site as a pending vendor and no membership is assigned to that vendor.
      Kindly check the video here :
      As you can see this is totally connected with stripe account configuration so kindly check where is the configuration issue with your stripe account.
      If needed we can share our test stripe account with you and you can then collaborate with the Stripe team by sharing both our and your Stripe account details. This will enable them to identify any discrepancies in the settings and provide relevant insights.
      Thanks for your cooperation.

    • #217142
      Nathan Wolhendler

      Did you try cvc and expiration error, because that was where my error was

    • #217157

      Hello @Nathan, We have also checked with Wrong CVV and it is also giving us the error on the checkout page. Kindly check the video here
      Let us know if you need any further assistance from our end.

    • #219954

      It’s been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in the future please do create a new support ticket.

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