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Templating not working

Theme and Plugin Support


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  • Author
    • #195365

      I placed vendor-report.php template into my child theme directory and then dc-product-vendor/vendor-dashboard/vendor-report.php – for some reason templates don’t get overriden. In this example I wanted to remove the “My Earnings” section of that page.
      What should I do?

    • #197481

      Its been a while and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please open a new support thread.

    • #195482 Thanks for sharing the video.
      Not to worry. You have not enabled any shipping module under the Shipping sections from Modules submenu of MultiVendorX ( That is why the pending shipping section is not visible on the vendor dashboard.
      Once you enable shipping modules from the admin dashboard you will get the pending shipping option on the vendor dashboard(

    • #197482

      Its been a while and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please open a new support thread.

    • #195439

      Kindly share the page link and a full screenshot of the page where you want to delete these sections.

    • #195476
    • #195375

      We have checked this on our end. And the template overriding is working absolutely fine.
      Kindly follow the below mentioned path and try again to override the template –
      Please do keep us posted regarding the same.

    • #195376

      We have checked this on our end. And the template overriding is working absolutely fine.
      Kindly follow the below mentioned path and try again to override the template –
      Please do keep us posted regarding the same.

      • #195400

        Your documentation is lacking unfortunately.
        I’ve tried your solution and it works, I started emptying a few templates but you can still see the widgets on the frontend manager, please view the screenshot.
        In addition, the pending shipping area (in the dashboard widgets) doesn’t appear anymore even if I disable all template overrides. Why is that?


    • #195427 No need to worry. Simply share some screenshots showing the sections you want to remove. Our team will share the solution with you.

    • #195430

      I would like to remove these ones

    • #195459

      I’ve found the filter mvx_before_dashboard_widget

    • #195466

      Yes, you need to use this filter to remove the fields.

    • #195472

      The pending shipping widget has disappeared after upgrade to MVX, what should I do to put it back?

    • #195474

      The pending shipping section is showing perfectly on the vendor dashboard
      Kindly check if you have overridden the section on the template. Make sure you have shipping options enabled from MultiVendorX,

    • #203392

      Its been long and we have not heard back from you. We presume your issue is fixed now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please create a new support topic.

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