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Users signing up for subscription are being added as Customers

MultivendorX Pro

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  • Author
    • #193856
      Nathan Wolhendler

      I am setting up a marketplace for small businesses to advertise their services and sell their wares. I added the subscription module. There are 2 plans, an advertising plan and a sellers plan. When a vendor buys a plan instead of being added to the site as a pending vendor and getting a notification he is added as a customer? I am not getting notified that there is a pending vendor, he is not showing up on my subscription dashboard or my vendor dashboard and no email is received by the admin or the pending vendor?
      Additionally 2 times my registration form fields got deleted and I needed to reset them up

    • #193858

      @nathan, Sorry to hear that.
      We have checked the membership flow and it is working fine on our end. The form field can only be deleted if the admin has done this manually.
      Kindly create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the staging site url, temporary admin and ftp access with us.

    • #193860
      Nathan Wolhendler

      My site is being built and not live yet so please test it on the site itself

    • #193862

      Thanks for the access. Our team will check and help you accordingly.

    • #193868

      Can you please confirm if we can deactivate plugins/themes on your end.

    • #193869
      Nathan Wolhendler

      yes please

    • #193911

      We have checked the vendor registration flow on your end. The flow is working fine while the vendor is making payments with stripe.

      In the case of nonrecurring plans both Stripe and PayPal are also working absolutely fine.

      However, we have found out that there is an issue while paying for a recurring membership with MVX PayPal Payments.
      Our team is looking into the issue with PayPal for recurring payments. We will fix it in our next update and also keep you posted regarding the same.

    • #193917
      Nathan Wolhendler

      So what do I need to do to make this work for now?

    • #193942

      Currently you need to make payments for the recurring plans with Stripe and for non recurring plans you can use both Stripe and paypal.
      Not to worry we will provide you with the fix as early as possible.

    • #193968
      Nathan Wolhendler

      The vendor is coming in as a vendor and not a pending vendor and the emails are still not coming through?

    • #194005

      As the vendors are paying with MVX paypal marketplace or MVX paypal marketplace the payments are getting paid in real time i.e. they are becoming vendors.
      If the vendors pay through payment gateways such as bank transfer then they will be coming as pending vendor and then the admin will need to approve them to become vendors on the marketplace.

    • #194043

      For payments of recurring plans with PayPal kindly install WooCommerce Payments plugin and enable it and then activate PayPal. Then there will not be any issue while paying for recurring plans with PayPal.

    • #194936
      Nathan Wolhendler

      I did a real test with a user and the corresponding subscription; At the time of the trial, this subscription is charged immediately and does not honor the free trial months. PayPal payment method was used. In addition to this, when I pass the payment, this new user does not appear as “seller” but as “customer”.
      How can i fix this?

      I will attach some images of the problem.

    • #194945
      Nathan Wolhendler
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #194953
      Nathan Wolhendler

      I. added a free package to try and resolve this and the user of this package is coming in as a vendor but not a pending vendor and when I try to update the storefront I get an error that the user does not have permission to upload media

    • #194987
      Nathan Wolhendler

      Hello good morning, please we reiterate our request for a response to the communication number #194936 dated August 8, 2023 at 12:48 AM since we need to resolve this operating problem as soon as possible to do general tests of the entire MultivendorX plugin system . We will continue to wait but we require the greatest possible speed. Thank you very much in advance

    • #194989

      @Nathan Wolhendler As we have shared earlier there is some issue from the paypal’s end for which if you pay for recurring plans with paypal marketplace the vendor will not get registered as a vendor on site. So for recurring plans you need to use stripe marketplace.

      For payments of recurring plans with PayPal kindly install WooCommerce Payments plugin and enable it and then activate PayPal. Then there will not be any issue while paying for recurring plans with PayPal.

      We have checked this flow with WooCoomerce paypal and it is working perfectly fine on our end. Kindly check the video :

      If users pays with real-time payment method such as (paypal, stripe) then they will not come as a pending vendor instead they will get added as a vendor as soon as the order for the package gets placed.

      Also in the package that your users are purchasing there, the admin may not have added capability of uploading media files hence he is getting the message that the user does not have permission to upload media files.

    • #194994
      Nathan Wolhendler

      I appreciate your previous answer, but my doubt about the answer has not been solved yet #194936 why you are not taking the trial months and paying the subscription directly.

    • #195012
      Nathan Wolhendler

      Is it possible with the subscription to get added as a pending vendor and an you give me instructions how to do this?

    • #195028
      Nathan Wolhendler

      Also, where does the admin add the option to add media files?

    • #195064

      Nathan, we doubled check this with our developer.

      WooCommerce payment needs the PayPal Standard payment option.
      For this you need to add this code in the function.php of your theme :

      add_filter( 'woocommerce_should_load_paypal_standard', '__return_true' );

      Then you will have this option under WooComerce Payment tab :\

      Just configure this payment setting and you are all good to go.

    • #195115
      Nathan Wolhendler

      Can you clarify this one point for me, if I have a free subscription plan option can the vendor com in as a pending vendor or with subscription plans the vendors are automatically approved?

    • #195135

      Nathan, if the plan is non-recurring then the vendor will be added as a vendor.
      For recurring plans with 0 price, the vendor will be added as a pending vendor.

    • #195148
      Nathan Wolhendler

      I did exactly as you instructed but the vendors are coming in as customers instead of pending vendors, not sure where this is going wrong. You have login credentials, feel free to have a look!

    • #195194

      Hi, when we have plan with 0 cost, then you will have the option to “Subscribe Now”

      However, for your site I am not able to access the plan buy option:

      Can you please help us here?

    • #195212
      Nathan Wolhendler

      You can access it from here:

    • #195229

      For recurring plans it is logically not possible to have the price of the plan to be 0. As it requires users to select payment mode for recurring accounts, WooCommerce doesn’t let users select any payment mode for free cost products.
      That is why while paying for the plan you are not getting any payment option to pay for the plan(check the video where the plan can be renewed. That is why the users are getting registered as customers.

    • #195270
      Nathan Wolhendler

      This was just for testing. I am trying to follow you instructions but unfortunately it is not working for me. I added back the price and tested again and the user is still coming through as a customer. his was after I disabled paypal and only enables stripe. I’ve. been stuck on this flow now for weeks. Can you give me step by step instructions and I can try to start from the beginning because the recurring plan is not working for me yet. Additionally I cannot figure out how to get the 2 month free trial to work, when I tried it it charged the credit card even though I setup 2 months free?

    • #195334

      @Nathan Wolhendler We have checked the flow of membership plans for recurring plans with stripe marketplace and after placing the order the vendor is getting registered as vendors only on the site. They are not coming as customers.
      We have also checked the flow on your end and it is working fine on your end too. Kindly check the video When paying for a recurring plan with Stripe marketplace, the user is getting registered as a vendor only.

    • #195354
      Nathan Wolhendler

      Thank you, this is working now, but still 2 issues:
      1. the free plan is bringing in the vendors as regular vendors and not pending vendors?
      2. the free trial charges customers right away (we tested this on a live payment gateway with paypal) how is this supposed to work? For now we removed the free trial and offered a free plan until this is resolved

    • #195386

      Our replies are inline with your queries –
      1. the free plan is bringing in the vendors as regular vendors and not pending vendors?
      >>You may use this code to make vendor pending
      2. the free trial charges customers right away (we tested this on a live payment gateway with paypal) how is this supposed to work? For now we removed the free trial and offered a free plan until this is resolved
      >>Can you please share a detailed video of this so that we can understand this better and help you accordingly.

    • #195414
      Nathan Wolhendler

      Here is a video, you can see I setup 2 free months trial but the credit card is being charged 14.99

      I am attaching the charge from woo commerce as well so you can see that the card was charge despite the fact there is supposed to be 2 free months trial.

    • #195454

      Hi, even though it will show this amount in order, but the user will only charge the signup fee :

      You can check the same in your stripe:

      Please check your stripe dashboard also.

    • #195841
      Nathan Wolhendler

      The user isn’t being charged, and Stripe (which handles billing/trial periods/etc) is showing the trial correctly, but the receipt isn’t showing the trial. How can this be reflected on the receipt in the website so the user does not think they are being charged?

    • #195872

      As we have shared earlier only the sign up fee ( be charged ( from the user.
      There is a bug in the order showing the full amount. We will look into this and add a fix for this in our next update so the users will not get confused.

    • #195919
      Nathan Wolhendler

      Do you have an idea of a timeframe when this will be implemented?

    • #195920
      Nathan Wolhendler

      also the pending vendor is not working even using the code sent

    • #195935

      @Nathan Wolhendler We will surely add a fix for this in our next MultiVendorX Pro update.
      Also to make vendors pending while they are paying with MVX Paypal marketplace or MVX Stripe marketplace you may add the below code in the functions.php file of you current active theme and check again –

      add_action('mvx_vendor_purchased_subscription', 'set_role_pending');
      function set_role_pending($user_id) {
          $user = new WP_User($user_id);
    • #196853

      We have fixed the issue with the membership plans having trial period showing wrong amount in the order section. Kindly use the updated version of MultiVendorX Pro.

    • #197139
      Nathan Wolhendler

      It is working for me now! Thank you!!!!

    • #197148

      Great to hear that.

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