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Variation Button Styling – catalog enquiry plugin

WCMp Catalog Enquiry

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    • #193668


      When I enable your plugin for enquiries, it overrides my theme buttons for variations (i.e. color / size). I like my theme ones because you can see the colors when you click them, whereas yours is just a drop down. I want to keep the enquiry button/form, but to keep the styling of my theme buttons for the variations. How can I do this please? I assume with CSS or maybe PHP?

      I have attached a screenshot of before (left) and after (right) with your plugin.

      Note: sorry I may have selected the wrong product on the form as I wasn’t sure which to select.

      Thank you,

    • #193719

      Kindly share the page link, so we will check this and also share the theme. So, we will check the same in our end.


    • #193720


      thank you.


      Page (it is all product pages – see here but below is an example:

      So currently your plugin is enabled which is overriding the theme’s variation buttons within the individual product pages. I can provide backend access if required.


    • #193756

      Thanks for sharing the details with us.

      But as we need to test the issue on our end so it will be great if you kindly upload the theme file in drive and share that with us.

      We need to test the theme with our plugin and only then we will be able to help you accordingly.

      While sharing the theme file please mark your reply as private.

    • #193761
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #193770

      Thanks for sharing the theme file with us.
      Our team is looking into the matter. We will provide you with the solution as soon as possible.

    • #193771

      Thank you!

    • #193789

      We have checked our end, Kindly Ask to your theme author which hook or filter they use to add this types of select input, maybe we used the same hook or filter so kindly ask them to give us the hook or filter name.


    • #193848

      Hi thank you. I have spoken to my theme developer and this is what they said:
      ‘You try to contact the plugin author and ask them to check the variable.php file ( in wp-content/themes/mymedi/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php )’

      Would you require FTP access to do this?

      I should also mention that the variable product descriptions also don’t appear when your plugin is enabled (but hopefully this is also caused by the same issue)


    • #193857

      Kindly create a staging site that should be an exact replica of your live site and share the site url, temporary admin and ftp access with us.
      While sharing the access don’t forget to mark your reply as private.

    • #194108
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #194114

      Thanks for sharing the access. Our team is checking the issue .Kindly provide them some time.

    • #194133

      We have check our end. our plugin override this section, That’s why theme design not working. We will let you know in details by tomorrow after debug the issue.


    • #194182

      We add some functionality there in the types select option that is why it shows as per our styling. Now if you want to change the style you will have to add custom code.

      If you need any further assistance please let us know.

    • #194262

      Thanks for checking!

      How would I remove your styling, to replace it with my theme’s defaults?


    • #194273

      We have overridden this template so we can do our own design for the enquiry part. Now the theme has also overridden the same to apply their own structure. Hence this issue.
      For now we have added an extra class, that you can use to apply the design as per your need. YOu can override our template to add your own design.
      You can download the updated plugin from here and override the woocommerce-catalog-enquiry-variable-product.php template file as per your requirement.
      You need to follow the below path to override the template “yourtheme/woocommerce-catalog-enquiry/woocommerce-catalog-enquiry-variable-product.php”

    • #194288

      Thank you!

      So I override the current plugin with this one? What is the class I need to use for styling?


    • #194299

      Yes, you can replace the old plugin on your end with this new one.
      But the class depends on what fields you want to change. KIndly contact the theme author here, they would be able to assist you better here.

    • #196103

      Its been a while and we have not heard back from you. We presume your issue is fixed now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please create a new support thread.

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