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Vendor Dashboard is not viewing properly


Viewing 18 reply threads
  • Author
    • #194977
      Anthony Harden

      please provide me solution ASAP.

    • #194975
      Anthony Harden

      1. please check this video:-
      report section is not appearing and also not working properly.

      2. please check the check short:-

      I have tried both hooks but not working:-
      add_action( ‘admin_menu’, ‘remove_event_series_menu’ );

      function remove_event_series_menu() {
      // error_log( ‘Removing menu pages…’ ); // Debug output
      remove_menu_page( ‘wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_event_series’ );
      remove_menu_page( ‘wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=ticket-meta-fieldset’ );


      add_action( ‘admin_init’, ‘remove_event_series_menu’ );

      function remove_event_series_menu() {
      remove_menu_page( ‘wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=ticket-meta-fieldset’ );
      remove_menu_page( ‘wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_event_series’ );

    • #194976
      Anthony Harden

      please provide to me a solution asap.

    • #194986

      @Anthony Harden Sorry to hear that you are facing issues on your end.
      Our replies are inline –
      1.In the video the section appearing on your vendor dashboard is not coming from our plugin. Just to be sure, deactivate all the plugins except WooCommerce and MultiVendorX and check again.

      2.Also in the shared screenshot the menus available are coming from some other plugins. There is no such menu on MultiVendorX. So kindly reach out to the responsible plugin team for this issue.

    • #195018
      Anthony Harden

      There is one more issue I have found last day but I have not discussed because I am not confirmed but now its conformed.
      Last day I have added the images for shop but today they are automatically removed :-
      And my shop page is also not looking good ->
      Please check.

    • #195030

      @Anthony Harden
      We have checked this on our end and the flow is working fine on our end. Kindly check the video
      It seems like there might be some theme/plugin conflict on your end. Just to be sure, deactivate all the plugins except WooCommerce and MultiVendorX on your end and check again.
      Please do keep us posted.

    • #195054
      Anthony Harden

      There is too much conflict with your plugin. I think I made a big mistake buying your plugin.
      I have uploaded these images multiple time but not there on next day.

    • #195053
      Anthony Harden

      There is too much conflict with your plugin. I think I made a big mistake buying your plugin.
      I have uploaded these images multiple time but not there on next day.

    • #195052
      Anthony Harden

      There is too much conflict with your plugin. I think I made a big mistake buying your plugin.

      I have uploaded all these images multiple time but automatically remove on next day.

    • #195066

      Hi @Anthony Harden, as much as I want to help you out but this is not plugin conflict issue but most probably server issue.

      If you check the console you will get 403 error, that means the site is not able to fetch the image from your server.

      If you can share the site link, we can assit you better in how to resolve this.

    • #195121
      Anthony Harden

      You can check in screenshot :- There is no 403 error in console. My site is on AWS server With 8 GB Ram and 30 MB Storage Okay.

    • #195124

      Hi @Anthony Harden, can you please create a staging site and share the temporary admin, FTP access so we can check.
      While sharing the access don’t forget to mark the response as private.

    • #195254
      Anthony Harden
    • #195265

      @Anthony Harden Not to worry.
      It seems like some vendor still didn’t add their stripe account, hence you are getting that error. Can you check please.
      As an admin you can also see whether the vendor has added stripe details via MultiVendorX >> Vendor and check the payment tab of each vendor.
      Kindly configure the billing settings correctly and check again.

    • #195266
      Anthony Harden

      I was tested one thing and that was not works :-
      1. I have deleted the vender from multivendor>vendors but its product still appears for delete that product i deleted it manually from admin products.
      please check this at your end.

      2. If I want to test the payments for vendor and admin with stripe payment gateway then ? how to configure the test stripe details with vender account?

    • #195320

      Anthony Harden Our replies are inline with your queries –
      1. I have deleted the vender from multivendor>vendors but its product still appears for delete that product i deleted it manually from admin products.
      please check this at your end.
      >> Deleting a vendor from your site does not delete the vendor products from the site. Once the vendor is deleted from the site the product becomes an admin product and no longer associated with that vendor. This is to make sure that there was no active order with those products.
      Now if you need to delete the deleted vendor products from your site then you will need to delete those from admin products.
      2. If I want to test the payments for vendor and admin with stripe payment gateway then ? how to configure the test stripe details with vender account?
      >>No worries. Kindly follow our documentation step by step to configure Stripe sandbox payments for both admin and vendors

      If you need any further assistance please let us know.

    • #195475
      Anthony Harden

      can you please check:-
      i am using :-
      add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘enqueue_datatables_for_vendor_dashboard’);
      function enqueue_datatables_for_vendor_dashboard(){

      wp_enqueue_style( ‘buddyboss-dataTables-css’, ‘’);
      wp_enqueue_script( ‘buddyboss-dataTables-js’, ‘’);


      I have followed this:-

      but not working
      Cab you please check this ASAP.

    • #195479
    • #197484

      Its been a while and we have not heard back from you. We presume your query is resolved now. We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please open a new support thread.

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