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vendor page styles

WCMp Core

Viewing 4 reply threads
  • Author
    • #123599

      Hi, how can I override vendor page styles? if i use a child theme can i override any of your plugins to add it to my child theme? Will there be any problems in the future because of this?

    • #123605

      @l.gan, if you override our template following the procedure (we add template file override instruction), and inside the child theme, then you will not lose the modifictaion.

    • #123669

      and another question, will there be problems in the future if I use the php code to return the old vendor page?

    • #123683

      @l.gan, can you please explain what are you looking for, so we can help you out accordingly.

    • #127062

      We haven’t heard back from you for a while. We hope this issue is fixed, so we are closing this now.
      If you need any further help, please do open another thread.

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