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Vendor shipping tax is not added

WCMp Core

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    • #137858


      1. Vendor shipping tax is not added. Updating does not change the value. Watch a video

      2. I have a custom code where I can display the cost and shipping methods in the product card. But how do I infer this for vendor shipping methods?

      add_action( ‘woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_form’, ‘bbloomer_shipping_rates_single_product’ );

      function bbloomer_shipping_rates_single_product() {
      $zones = WC_Shipping_Zones::get_zones();
      echo ‘<div><i class=”fas fa-truck”></i> ‘ . __( ‘Shipping’, ‘woocommerce’ );
      echo ‘<table>’;
      foreach ( $zones as $zone_id => $zone ) {
      echo ‘<tr><td>’;
      echo $zone[‘zone_name’] . ‘</td><td>’;
      $zone_shipping_methods = $zone[‘shipping_methods’];
      foreach ( $zone_shipping_methods as $index => $method ) {
      $instance = $method->instance_settings;
      $cost = $instance[‘cost’] ? $instance[‘cost’] : $instance[‘min_amount’];
      echo $instance[‘title’] . ‘ ‘ . wc_price( $cost ) . ‘<br>’;
      echo ‘</td></tr>’;
      echo ‘</table></div>’;

      thanks for the help

    • #137872

      Hi I.gan, our replies are inline :

      1. Vendor shipping tax is not added. Updating does not change the value. Watch a video

      >> I checked this on our end, and as you can see there is no such issue:

      It seems like there is some plugin/theme conflict. Just to be sure, disable all the plugins except WooCommerce and WCMp and check again.
      If the issue still exists, please switch to some default theme such as Twenty Sixteen and check again.
      Please do keep us posted so we can help you out.

      2. I have a custom code where I can display the cost and shipping methods in the product card. But how do I infer this for vendor shipping methods?

      >> Can you please explain the flow you are looking for in more detail. Some screenshots will be very much appreciated.

    • #137919

      I got it, everything works

    • #137936

      l.gan, I presume the issue is fixed. If you need any further help, please do open another thread.

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