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Vendor Store Page scrolling issue-Front end

Theme and Plugin Support

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    • #193178

      Hi, iam using woodmart theme with retail demo.
      1.) Iam new to Multivendorx, Iam setting up my store. I created a test vendor to see how it works, The vendor dashboard looks good but the vendor store page in front end problem, The page doesn’t scroll down, there no scroll bar present at right side.

      2.) And your site is very hard to scroll pages, I can hardly notice the scroll bar on my right side, If i want to scroll top or bottom its difficult because of exact unknown position of scroll bar, please watch what happens enclosed attachment fyr. Request you to please use dark color scrollbar so i can browse the support forums or documentation easily. Please understand and resolve this first asap.

    • #193195

      Hi @venkeyaccent . Our replies are inline with your queries –
      1.) Iam new to Multivendorx, Iam setting up my store. I created a test vendor to see how it works, The vendor dashboard looks good but the vendor store page in front end problem, The page doesn’t scroll down, there no scroll bar present at right side.
      >>We have added a fix for this in our github. Please download the plugin from here and follow these steps :
      – Delete the installed MultiVendorX via wp-admin >> plugin
      – Unzip the GitHub plugin
      – Rename the folder as “dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor” and remove the master tag. Now, zip this folder again.
      – Install this plugin on your site.
      We will also add the fix in our next update .
      2.) And your site is very hard to scroll pages, I can hardly notice the scroll bar on my right side, If i want to scroll top or bottom its difficult because of exact unknown position of scroll bar, please watch what happens enclosed attachment fyr. Request you to please use dark color scrollbar so i can browse the support forums or documentation easily.

      >>Sorry to hear that. We will fix this soon.

    • #193262

      Hi, I have Installed the plugin as you told, and its working fine now, Thanks.
      Also your site scrollbar is far better which also greatly improves UX 10 times than before.

    • #193273

      Happy to help @venkeyaccent

    • #195076

      We are closing this thread. If you need help or face issue in future please open a new thread.

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