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WC Product Stock Alert – Not sending emails

Theme and Plugin Support

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    • #135967

      I am able to sign up for product alerts and when I manually change a product from out of stock to in stock the user gets the email. However if I use a program such as PW WooCommerce Bulk Edit Pro or Stock Manager for WooCommerce to update the inventory, it’s not triggering your plugin and emails are not being sent out. We have hundreds of items and variations so when we update stock we need to use a plugin to bulk update. Any advice?

    • #135987

      Hi, thanks for getting in touch with us.
      WCMp is not compatible with the plugins which you’ve mentioned here.
      However you can do custom code to make the plugin compatible

    • #135992

      Can you then tell me what triggers your plugin to send in-stock emails? Are there any other bulk change plugins that would work with yours?

    • #135997

      @jeff.margel, let me consult with my dev team. Kindly provide us some time.

    • #136000

      Ok, thank you.

    • #136073

      Any update?

    • #136074

      WC Product stock alert plugin send back in stock email using a cron event
      The cron event action name is dc_start_stock_alert and the added function name is stock_alert_action.

      Let me know if you need any help from us.


    • #136127

      Thank you for the reply. What’s strange is that it was working with those two other plugins but stopped. There are a lot of users that use bulk updating, perhaps WC Marketplace would be interested in making a bulk updating plugin that works with your WC Product Stock Alert? I am sure you would get a lot of sales out of it.

    • #136145

      I noticed with the bulk plugins if I change the inventory amount from 0 to another number, it will not send the back in-stock email unless I go into the product and click update. For example:

      1) Product inventory level is at 0, I sign up for product alert and receive an email saying I am subscribed.
      2) I use a bulk plugin to update the stock quantity however no in-stock email is generated
      3) I go into Woocommerce products, edit that product and make a change (such as item description) to allow me to click the ‘Update’ button
      4) Email from your plugin is generated and sent to me stating the product is not back in stock.

      Something with the ‘update’ button in woocommerce triggers the back in-stock emails where as the bulk plugins are not.

    • #136172

      Thanks for sharing such a helpful instruction, really appreciate for your article.

    • #136193

      Jeff, it seems like you need to contact the Bulk Editor plugin author, they would be able to assist you here.

      For further help, ask them to check our code here

      It will give them an idea and assist you with what approach you should follow for their plugin.

    • #136208

      @shepardbrisa5 you are welcome

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